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Kava Dermopathy Pics

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
kavashmava said:
Anyways, I used Emu Oil on it, and that helped heal the dryness.
At first, Elizabeth II agreed to help me with the Emu pressing, to see if fresh Emu Oil would help our skin, but the screams became too much for her kind and gentle heart.

It really does work, though.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Ya know...I'm glad I'm a super light weight compared to most of you. I really am...specially after seeing those pictures.


Kava Enthusiast
Prince Philip said:
kavashmava said:
Anyways, I used Emu Oil on it, and that helped heal the dryness.
At first, Elizabeth II agreed to help me with the Emu pressing, to see if fresh Emu Oil would help our skin, but the screams became too much for her kind and gentle heart.

It really does work, though.
Lol, nice phillipeww, i'll stick with my borage cream


Kava Curious
A good Urea based cream will help a lot too. I think the diuretic effect of kava may add to overall drying out of skin.


So here we are, about a total of 3 weeks since I stopped drinking kava totally, and my hands are back to normal. Still flaking a bit but nothing serious. Will probably stay away from kava for a while longer though, give my body time to recover while I stick to a multivitamin daily.

@dan thanks for the suggestion, I'll have to look into getting some of that.

@vekta lol yeah, heavy drinking has its down sides for sure. I suppose that's a good thing, though.

@dubkava for sure, I try to stay as hydrated as I possibly can, though, without drinking too much water. I don't drink any water while I drink kava though (it kills the buzz for me) and then I sleep for a good 6 - 12 hours with no water, so that's a good point of dehydration that doesn't help the situation at all lol

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
I feel safer when I have dermopathy, even though I know that the cold weather is probably more than half of the cause of the dry hands.

The reason I feel safer is because of what kava does to the colon. Since I can't see my colon (I have tried to place my head firmly up my ass, but the FDA didn't think it was in far enough to hire me), I look to my hands as a sign that I'm receiving kava's anti-cancer benefits.


Bump of JUSTICE.

Actually not bump of justice. Just a regular bump, because I'd like, if you any of you are comfortable with it of course, for members here who have experienced kava dermopathy to post your own pics. This could be something simply from bloodshot, dried out eyes to what I posted of my hands, to full blown back scales. Simply because I'm curious to hear more reports of how it affects users individually :) Also, I think it would help people who come here wondering what the hell is going on, if they're experiencing it.


Kava Enthusiast
Ok, I can now join the dermopathy club. I tried to take some pics, but nothing really noteworthy showed up apart from some redness.

It started 2 weeks ago as irritation around my armpits of all places. I initially shrugged it off as dry skin due to the low humidity and cold temperatures here. This slowly progressed to skin flakes, as others have pointed out, and the area affected has grown outwardly in size to my pecs and down the insides of my arms toward my elbows. This last week the same redness/irritation started appearing on my neck in the collar area, also with shedding skin flakes. Not to the level of scales though, more like what you get after a mild sunburn. Applying lotion causes an annoying stinging that lasts for maybe 20 minutes.

Today was the kicker. The tops of my hands and fingers became slightly sore and upon closer examination I noticed my once smooth skin is beginning to look much more wrinkled than usual when fingers are extended.

Time for a kava break. I have been using on average 5-6 tbls dry root daily for the last 6 weeks, prepared via the traditional method. Prior to that, I was using on average 3 times per week with no issues. I'll double up on my multi-vitamins and try to over hydrate for the next week to see if this helps while abstaining from kava. This week is going to suck.


Kava Curious
So I get the impression that this has nothing to do with being under hydrated? I haven't had any problems yet. I don't want any either though. I strain bare handed as well.


Kava Lover
My body must just handle this better than most. Now I pretty much live with detmopathy but it's easily controlled, I just put some lotion on in the morning and I'm good to go!


Kava Curious
mine started around my armpits too, then hands, then...well it seems to be circulating around my body and i'm itchy as hell most days. It never does seem to come back to the same spot though...very wierd.


Kava Lover
Well. After about 2 months of drinking kava every day with minimal dermopathy. I ran out of kava. And the remaining stone that I have, I forgot at my friends house who just got sent to rehab. So I can't just go up there and get it because it's sort of awkward being around the rest of his family. So I finished my boroguru off and then on sat I used just left overs and yesterday in a desperate attempt to consume kava I ate nearly two packs of kava candy to no avail. The thing is, though, that over the past few days that my kava consumption has dropped, I've been seeing ALOT more dry skin on my arms, legs, hands, scalp, legs and so on and so forth. But when I was drinking kava daily it wasn't like this. It seems like the kava was actually keeping it to a minimum. Hopefully I will get my new batch of stone in the post today so I can get back on my beloved kava wagon.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
I drink stone daily. In fact I'm about to start a batch now. There are lingering effects the second day but I find them comforting and they help me deal with everyone wanting to bitch first thing in the morning at work.


Kava Lover
tombo said:
So can.stone be consumed daily, or are the second day residuals too much?
it sure can! I just got my new bag in the post today and will be making a batch soon to accomany the movie "freaky deaky"


Kava Enthusiast
i was just logging in to say i felt sorry for krunked for running out, but you already got some! sorry you went 6 hours without it lol


Kava Curious
Krunkedout said:
tombo wrote:So can.stone be consumed daily, or are the second day residuals too much?

it sure can! I just got my new bag in the post today and will be making a batch soon to accomany the movie "freaky deaky"
feeling better yet?