So here we are, about a total of 3 weeks since I stopped drinking kava totally, and my hands are back to normal. Still flaking a bit but nothing serious. Will probably stay away from kava for a while longer though, give my body time to recover while I stick to a multivitamin daily.
@dan thanks for the suggestion, I'll have to look into getting some of that.
@vekta lol yeah, heavy drinking has its down sides for sure. I suppose that's a good thing, though.
@dubkava for sure, I try to stay as hydrated as I possibly can, though, without drinking too much water. I don't drink any water while I drink kava though (it kills the buzz for me) and then I sleep for a good 6 - 12 hours with no water, so that's a good point of dehydration that doesn't help the situation at all lol