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Kava Physiology Kava Dermopathy


Deactivated Account

Hell ive got it on day 2 of drinking powdered, be it only slightly. I hate it…i know its coming thats the worst bit. Might try some big quantities of krill oil.


Kava Enthusiast

I'd like to chime in on this one.

Started drinking Wakacon Kava (amazon.ca) a few weeks ago. Just got through a pound after daily use of about 3-6 tbs per day. I also tried some paradise hawaiian kava on the weekend. Admittedly I enjoy getting krunked, just as I enjoy a good booze buzz. Kava had all but replaced beer for me until yesterday when I got the itch.

Started with a weird itch on my back. The itch subsided on my back after one day. Now the rest of me is itchy. :banghead:

Long term kava users, how have you 'pushed through' this damn itch? How do you manage it?

About me:

27, male Spanish/ Canadian
Very healthy, athletic
I eat fish/ nuts (read niacin) regularly

Thanks for your advice all

Deactivated Account

That first feel is like you have got out of the ocean & the salt has dried on your back. I've no secret but plenty of moisturiser & to give it a break for a good while until it goes. Those soluable Vit B tablets help me too I believe however I've no evidence to prove that.


Kava Enthusiast
I got bored of waiting, and ever since Kava weekday beer has lost its luster

I have gotten suitably krunked the last few nights....including now...and the itchiness is mild and is fading.

So I second whoever said 'drink thru it'


Kava Curious
I find this time of year to be the worst for bringing on dermopathy. (in North America). My skin already gets pretty dry in the winter and seems more susceptible.

I've been barely holding off a case of the itch myself. Been drinking more coconut water and using lotion.


Kava Lover
I have what looks like a cold sore on my mouth, could this be dermopathy? I don't have any flaking on my body but I have a blister on my foot that I feel could be related because
I got it wearing shoes with socks which is a rare problem for me.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
I also blame the dry winter air for helping me finally get Dermopathy a couple weeks ago. AmLactin truly does work wonders.
@ThePiper ...those are probably unrelated to kava...although some people do get the peeling on their hands and feet.


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
Yeah. This is my first winter where I am heavily into kava and it's also the first time I have gotten dermopathy. It just dries out your skin and makes whatever dermopathy does to it so much worse.


I have what looks like a cold sore on my mouth, could this be dermopathy? I don't have any flaking on my body but I have a blister on my foot that I feel could be related because
I got it wearing shoes with socks which is a rare problem for me.
That might be angular cheilitis which I'm pretty sure kavadude has had experience with before due to dry lips. If it is that, then it isn't related to kava dermopathy (just don't lick your lips and maybe use some sort of gentle moisturizer because kava does cause dry lips in many).


Kava Lover
I really don't know what to think because the cold weather could have caused iot, and also my lips aren't chapped or anything. It started as a scab a few days after I started drinking small amounts of kava (like a cold sore) but then after a few days it fell off and there was a bunch of dead skin with a kind of puffiness to it like it was healing. That was about 10 days ago. Since then it has stayed the same, kinda red where the new skin is with the little folds of dead skin that have persisted as I continue to drink kava, and now a few days ago I started getting the "underscab" dead skin stuff on the other corner of my mouth, no scab on this side though. It really hurts when I go to drink something and stings when liquids touch it. It also bleeds very very slightly when I open my mouth too wide. The blister on my foot is healing rapidly so I think that part was a coincidence.


That actually sounds like a pretty common progression. When you add cold, dry weather to kava, I wouldn't doubt at all that it could aggravate stuff like this.

Here's what Wiki has to say about the presentation of angular cheilitis:

The lesions are more commonly symmetrically present on both sides of the mouth, but sometimes only one side may be affected [...] Initially, the corners of the mouth develop a gray-white thickening and adjacent erythema (redness). Later, the usual appearance is a roughly triangular area of erythema, edema (swelling) and maceration at either corner of the mouth. The mucosa of the lip may become fissured (cracked), crusted, ulcerated oratrophied. [...] If Staphylococcus aureus is involved, the lesion may show golden yellow crusts. In chronic angular cheilitis, there may be suppuration (pus formation), exfoliation (scaling) and formation ofgranulation tissue.