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Kava during my Neck Rehab

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Bula To Eternity
I'm doing rehab after my major neck surgery and haven't been drinking kava for 3 months now for fear it may act as a blood thinner.

Yesterday I was cleared to start wearing a soft brace instead of the very stiff hard one I've had to wear 24/7 for 3 months.

So now I'm thinking about starting my kava routine again, but now I have a new problem. My physical therapy is to help me regain strength and balance so I can walk normally again. I know from experience that kava affects my balance somewhat but before it was not a big deal. But now I'm really worried that it may cause me to fall or otherwise hinder my rehab.

I should just probably try it and see how it goes, but any thoughts would be appreciated.


Kava aficionado
Maybe stick to one shell for now, go easy, I know you like instant, so even better. Focus on the rehab for at least a couple weeks, see how you feel and slowly re-introduce kava into your routine.


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
I thought you'd been quiet... rooting for you from the other side of the pond (pun not originally intended but reading it back it's actually not bad ;-) ) . Yes, @Krunky probably has it right... slow and steady wins the race.


Kava Enthusiast
Also, if you're taking any opioid or GABAergic pain medication for post-operative pain, the kava can synergize with those meds and possibly exacerbate coordination issues.
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