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Medicinal Usage Kava for Alcoholism

Vladimir Lemon

Kava Curious
Hello all! I've been drinking Kava for a few weeks as a sometimes replacement for alcohol. I find that it actually works quite well at quelling my cravings as long as I'm not too depressed.

I was wondering if any of you had any experience replacing alcohol with Kava? For reference I usually drink 3-5 days a week, and normally about a bottle of 18% wine a night.



Patently irritable
I quit drinking for a short term after finding kava. Would like to extend it. As always, any recommendations appreciated


Bula To Eternity
Hello all! I've been drinking Kava for a few weeks as a sometimes replacement for alcohol. I find that it actually works quite well at quelling my cravings as long as I'm not too depressed.

I was wondering if any of you had any experience replacing alcohol with Kava? For reference I usually drink 3-5 days a week, and normally about a bottle of 18% wine a night.

I thought this was pretty good

Deleted User01

I think there are a metric butt load of people who use Kava to subdue their alcohol cravings. I'm one of them. However, I don't have the alcoholism gene so I'm able to have 2 alcohol days a week. But you have to really drink in moderation. The alcohol mixing with the kavalactones in your blood can get you drunk twice as fast and that ain't what you want. Just use tiny tasting glasses to fool yourself into actually thinking your actual drank 4 drinks. Or pour half glasses and sip judiciously.


Kava Enthusiast
Kava has definitely helped me cut back on my alcohol consumption.....it hasn't completely replaced it but has helped reduce it significantly.

Unfortunately I still don't enjoy the taste of kava, otherwise I could see it acting as a larger replacement. I keep trying different varieties and ways of preparing it though because its absolutely worth the effort. Specifically during the week when I have kava after work instead of alcohol I wake up the next day feeling fantastic.

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
Kava is such an excellent alcohol replacement that I'm almost afraid of the word getting out. I have struggled with the bottle for many years. When I was in South Sudan and trying to block out some of the horrors I was experiencing day-to-day, I would often find solace in spirits. This bad choice came home with me, and for the past year or so I have been battling the bottle. I went for an extended period of time where I would only drink Kava once a week, or sometimes even once every two weeks. But these days, I only allow myself alcoholic drinks on Fridays and Saturdays. Even then, I can only drink a couple beers before feeling drunk, and then I feel sick in the night and the morning after. I actually think this is a good thing. When I first started weaning myself off, I suffered from crippling panic attacks and even dizziness. It was extremely eye-opening to come face to face with the depth of my addiction. Kava really does take the edge off the symptoms. And now when I am tempted to get some drinks, I just knead up some Kava. On a night-to-night basis, it works magically. My only caution is the initial cut-off period. If you're a serious alcoholic, it will still be painful if you try to cut off alcohol immediately.

As always, be aware of the risks of battling alcohol. You can win some battles and then lose big, falling off and crumbling. Kava alone isn't enough. You're going to need to inspire yourself to find new hopes, new hobbies, new interests. Change up your routine and try new things. Giving up the bottle can have dangerous short-term risks. If you are really struggling, make sure you don't do it alone. And yes, drink Kava when you feel like heading to the bar or liquor store.


Kava aficionado
Hello all! I've been drinking Kava for a few weeks as a sometimes replacement for alcohol. I find that it actually works quite well at quelling my cravings as long as I'm not too depressed.

I was wondering if any of you had any experience replacing alcohol with Kava? For reference I usually drink 3-5 days a week, and normally about a bottle of 18% wine a night.

I went from drinking daily among other substances to quitting alcohol (and the other stuff) about 7 months ago (I lost track). It is totally possible and doable, but kava alone won't do it, I am fortunate as well to to have a wonderful family that supports me all the way. A positive attitude helps too, believe me I had days that I felt like saying fuck it and buying some booze or some other substance.

I think what really made the difference for me, is I made a conscious decision to stop, I decided that I didn't want to be that person anymore and it's not easy (and I stumbled, ask anyone here that saw me get banned, lol) Besides kava, try to fill up your time doing things that you love. Keep yourself busy. Allow yourself to feel (good and bad) it's part of the healing.

I still struggle with those thoughts once in a blue moon, but I always try to think what the end result will be, the aftermath, because for me it was never good.

Bob Chill

Kava Curious
I second what Krunky said. You have to want to stop first. And I mean really want to stop with the only thing standing in the way being the discomfort. Telling yourself you "should stop" isn't enough. At least not for me. Making the decision that you "have to stop" goes a long way towards getting away from drinking for a long period of time.

You never know how hard it's going to be until you actually stop drinking for a month or more. Once you get past the first week it's a bit of a honeymoon feeling. You feel stronger than you really are. As time goes on the little voice inside your head gets louder and the temptation gets stronger. I'm personally finding kava a perfect replacement for daily drinking. But I really want it to be. My mind is in the right place.


Kava Lover
I've been a heavy drinker since I was 13 years old. As I've gotten older, I don't like who it turns me into. Kava is a better choice all the time but I'm still a ways away from giving it up entirely. I don't need to drink, but when I start, I don't like to stop. That's my problem.

But yeah, when you do stop (and I do quite frequently) it feels great. Hangover's are a waste of life. When I have a gnarly hangover I can't accomplish anything and I feel like I'm wasting my time off. Before I started drinking kava again I spent a good couple years drinking 6-12 drinks a night every night, with the occasional extreme binge on a weekend or holiday.

I've cut way back since drinking regular kava again, but yeah... Everybody drinks and that makes it hard.

Its a damn shame that contentious cannabis plant is still illegal in my state! When I smoked regularly I never had more than a beer or two with dinner. But I can't afford the risk these days!


Kava aficionado
@Jerome . Indeed, the "everybody drinks" issue is very relevant. One of my big passions in life is professional soccer. And where do you watch soccer? The pub.
You mean Football, yeah I love it too, I happen to be resident to the best team in the world :D

Only in the US it is called soccer...pfft.

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
Yes, I mean football ;)

I always call it football, but use the term "soccer" when I'm in unknown company.

I actually went to the USMNT game on Tuesday. Unfortunately, I did cave and drink some beer. I'm mainly a Chelsea fan, and a DC United fan (kind of).


Kava aficionado
I only watch international matches. The US has come a long way, but I'd give them another 20-30 years to win a cup lol. Sorry off topic.


Kava Lover
Soccer (futbol), fishing, grilling, helping a buddy move, dinner guests, Christmas, taco Tuesday, weddings, dental work... yeah.

I would like to learn to be a more responsible drinker. What I used to do, before marriage and kids and a full time job, was have a couple beers or wine with friends or family during dinner, then when it was "wind down" time with the girlfriend watching a movie or talking, I'd smoke cannabis. That would help me sleep, let me relax, and feel fun, without polishing off a bottle of rum.

If it were legal, and socially acceptable (like it is in some lovely places), then I wouldn't hardly drink beyond the first couple social beverages.

Kava is good. But since it loses a lot of its punch after food, its not always the best option. Don't get me wrong, I love kava! But something with a little more kick would be nice before bed. :D


Kava aficionado
Soccer (futbol), fishing, grilling, helping a buddy move, dinner guests, Christmas, taco Tuesday, weddings, dental work... yeah.

I would like to learn to be a more responsible drinker. What I used to do, before marriage and kids and a full time job, was have a couple beers or wine with friends or family during dinner, then when it was "wind down" time with the girlfriend watching a movie or talking, I'd smoke cannabis. That would help me sleep, let me relax, and feel fun, without polishing off a bottle of rum.

If it were legal, and socially acceptable (like it is in some lovely places), then I wouldn't hardly drink beyond the first couple social beverages.

Kava is good. But since it loses a lot of its punch after food, its not always the best option. Don't get me wrong, I love kava! But something with a little more kick would be nice before bed. :D
American Football (Hand ball As I call it) :D
Plenty of people drink alcohol moderately I am just not one of those people. I have no problem being around people drinking, my whole family drinks in front of me and I always find it amusing watching their cognitive behavior degrade as the night goes on (not that I wish harm to them). I made peace with that part of my life and everything for me is so much easier because of that.


Bula To Eternity
American Football (Hand ball As I call it) :D
...I always find it amusing watching their cognitive behavior degrade as the night goes on ...
Reminds me of... Once I was at a wine tasting event in Salem Oregon where they were showcasing all the different wines grown in Oregon. Salem is the capital of Oregon and I was stuck in line behind a bunch of state legislators following them to each tasting table. At first they were talking to each other in very proper tasting terms, like 'This one has a delightful bouquet' or 'This is really well balanced and pairs well with the Gouda'.
But by the time they got to the end of the tasting, they devolved to stuff like 'This is really good shit', 'Where's the damn cheese?', 'Hey can I get a refill?'
It was hilarious. :)

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
The impact that alcohol has on the brain and cognition can't be overstated. Similarly, the way it drowns emotions and masks problems and personal issues is alarming. It is, indeed, a deadly crutch.

Deleted User01

Wifey's dad owns a small vineyard in Napa CA. He's my personal wine pimp. :)
He's your enabler. That being said, what kind of grapes? I actually had 2 glasses of wine last night and bottled the rest in a lock top bottle. I'm very proud of myself for being sooooo mature. :rolleyes: And now today I crave my kava. It was only a fleeting affair with wine. Weird dreams too.