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Kava nausea

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Warm and Fuzzeh!
So there I was, enjoying one of the best krunks I've ever had. Then suddenly, I experienced that telltale turning in the upper gut region. Essentially, my stomach was saying: dude! Your gonna barf! Needless to say, I did. All over the place.

I only did 2 tablespoons more that my usual dose. I don't understand how this could have happened. I just drank some mint tea, and the nausea is subsiding. However, my once glorious krunk has been reduced to a stoned out laze fest, all thanks to my overly sensitive stomache.


Kava Enthusiast
I find that a little baking soda tends to help. Like, a half tablespoon of it. It could just be me though, as spicy foods and too much coffee mess with my stomach also.


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
Er, that's a little more than nausea... poor you :-( . I hope it doesn't happen again. I have felt really ill a few times but never actually been ill. I have learnt to judge how much I need to get the right effect but not to give me bad nausea and I haven't had anything too bad for months.


All Hail Leon
I've only vomited a little bit one time, and it was because I drank hot kava (NOT recommended)... it wasn't a full blown puke fest, but it did happen. Now I make sure it's cooled off if I use hot water for kneading...


Kava Enthusiast
I guess I have a strong stomach. I have made batches with 3/4 cup powder to 2.5-3 cups water, chugged down most of it in one go, and could still hold it down. Dont get me wrong, I was very nauseous when I did that, but It never tried to come back up. Guess I will really test my limits when my Nangol Noble comes in :p

Jay Charles

Kava Curious
if it's not due to your kava, (which you never know it might be a slightly higher adulteration that's causing it.. even noble kavas have a little tudei adulteration iirc), you may want to change out strainers. i know for me after using a strainer for a long time and never cleaning it really, it started making any kava i strained through it give me nausea. i've been experimenting with cleaning them with vinegar and it seems to work temporarily.. but yeah that's been a little hiccup for me. also i've found that some of the more heady kavas (like moi i think) can give me that nausea over time.
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