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Kava potentiates kava


Kava Enthusiast
So I was taking KK lateral root instant, 4tbsp with a second session of 2-4tbsp, since Feb (all I could access in Aus). Reasonable effects that lasted an hour, predictably, but had some maka side effects in the end. Last two weeks I've been on 2-6 tbsp of KwK instant, gone through 500g and haven't broken through reverse tolerance with that strain yet, so pulled out the KK to have a little treat and reminder of why I'm doing this...geeeeee. my regular 4tbsp has me unable to stand, and 3 HOURS and counting of zenith effects. This is good to know (I won't be using it too much, because of the whole dermo issue...but nice for a treat, and happy to have a win!) I've heard that switching up strains can do this, but had never tried it because of the pain of the strain RT, tend to stick to one. Seems it may be worth my while to have a couple in circulation...


Kava Enthusiast
This was such a one-time event XD since then we're back to regular programming of rarely having any kind of predictor how a session will go...
Oh kava, I'll understand you when the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves....


Kava Enthusiast
Try using your instant but instead of gulping it down, take small sips and hold under tongue for long periods. Sublingual absorption helps me greatly.