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Kava Revival Concept Starts Interesting Debate Online


New Zealand
Kava Vendor
The Cook Islanders used to drink kava. In the mid 19th century kava was abandoned due to missionary pressures. Some of the old plants still grow deep in the forests, but few people drink kava or know anything about it these days. On one of the islands, the locals organise ceremonies known as tumunu, which resemble kava drinking ceremonies from Tonga etc, but they use bush beer instead of kava these days. One of the islanders wanted to open a "tumunu"/bush beer bar on the main island, but he has faced some opposition from the local community who doesn't want to see more booze in their village. Apo (and others) have been suggesting that they should consider going back to the roots (literally and figuratively speaking) and replacing bush beer with kava. Some people have loved this idea, others seem to think kava is "devil's semen" etc and are a bit less enthusiastic.