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Kava Strainer Bag Alternatives

Go Krunk Yourself

Kava Enthusiast
Where do you guys think I could find the closet thing to this in South East Asia? I am living in Thailand through the pandemic and my bag from Kavafied (https://www.getkavafied.com/products/kava-strainer-bag-pro-grade) has started to give way and my grog is getting too thick for my liking so I'd like to replace it but I can't ship it here affordably I know like the regular bags the little muslin bags or whatever they are but what would I want to look for for this specific material?


Kava Enthusiast
I use womens ankle stockings as a first pass (new not used..) - they are stretchy so let fines through but they are good for massaging & squeezing the kava, and you can buy a 10 pack at any market in Thailand for cheap. For a final pass I use a cotton coffee bag - the type that has a wire frame round the top. All the ice coffee carts in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia use them. I picked up a set of 10 in Phnom Penh for $3 and they last for a year a more.