Age: 91
Gender: Male
General physical condition: The normal aches and pains that come from being alive at an age most people never make it to.
Length of kava usage: Since birth
Type (root, ground root powder, extract): Root powder, extract, lollies, micronized, instant.
Average amount per day/week: six to seven shells per day, six to seven times per week.
Prep method (water, toss & wash, etc): Normally, one tablespoon per cup of water, squeezed for about five minutes while in a nylon strainer, while listening to Dubtrot (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic themed Dubstep).
Straining method (if used) - Fijian nylon strainer bags, either while needing or as a final strain after a few minutes in a blender, often using a paint strainer when moving from one container to another to further cut down on nastiness.
Other substances/medications used: D3, dessicated bovine adrenal glands, meletonin, liquorish, massive amount of caffeine in the morning.
History of allergic reactions to anything? Autoimmune reactions throughout life,
Have you had an adverse reaction that you feel involved Kava? Often a negative reaction to those who would kill my buzz.
How serious? I smashed a shell to bits in my bare hands just this last Saturday. To be fair, Elizabeth II can be a royal bitch.
Did you stop using kava? Yeah, I did.
Did the reaction go away? How long? I stopped for two days and the reaction went away. I'm better now.
Do you still use kava? I'm using it now.
General comments, and anything pertinent I've overlooked? John Frum, instead of giving us Cargo, took things away. I guess he figured out we were materially wealthier than the inhabitants of Tanna and decided to play the role of Robin Hood. I had to chase him down and beat him to a pulp to recover my stuff. This is why he didn't show up on the 15th, by the way.