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Kava Culture KavaFlow: An Interview with Kapmcrunk


Deleted User01

@Kapmcrunk, you should do all future interviews in your Fruit of the Looms. Just to show everybody that "Life is a Game" and anybody can play. I always tell everyone that I work out of the house in my underwear. The dudes give me a thumbs up and the girls always say, "Ewwwwww .....:wtf:" Of course if you look at my Avatar, you can see that my hair suit covers my tidy whities so it's all good.


Certified Quack
I just have to say that this interview was great. I truly appreciate seeing videos related to Kava. There isn't much content out there. It's a great avenue for connecting others to the forum too. Like stated in the video, most forums/groups are very unwelcoming to put it lightly. I have to believe it's simply a testament to Kava itself. We have a wide range of members with talents that make this place just work. I can't appreciate what everyone here does enough. Hats off to everyone here.::tipshat::

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
I just rememberd another one of my proud moments for kavaforums. When one of our members found an image displayed prominently on kona kava's website that happened to be stolen and also that of a ginger famer tending to his ginger crop, and not a kava farmer. Good stuff.