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Kavalactones dosage?

kl.Ash Blue

Kava Curious
Kava doesn't seem to be doing anything for me. I tried 500mg of 70% kavalactones with no results. Each time I try a little bit more, and now I tried 2 grams of 70% kavalactones without no results. How much do I need?


Kava Lover
Ash Blue said:
Kava doesn't seem to be doing anything for me. I tried 500mg of 70% kavalactones with no results. Each time I try a little bit more, and now I tried 2 grams of 70% kavalactones without no results. How much do I need?
you need actual root powder. I'm assuming you got this stuff from kona kava which is absolute crap. Order yourself a pound of stone from Nakamalathome.com and make a brew with lukewarm water and a half cup root powder to 3 cups water. Soak the root in the water for at least an hour, then place a straining cloth (a t-shirt or nylon stockings will work) in a bowl. Pour the water and the root through the cloth. Then when all the water is through, submerge the remaining ball of root back into the liquid and knead and squeeze it for about ten minuets. The result should look like this :
. If you don't feel anything with that, continue doing it every night, you may have a reverse tolerance which means the kavalactones either have to build up in your brain, or, you will eventually be in tune with the effects, and once you know what to look for, you will be able to feel it ALOT stronger. Hope that helped!

kl.Ash Blue

Kava Curious
Apparently people have about 250mg of kavalactones. But trying 3000mg and still little effects. Maybe the extract I have is a pile of crap?


Kava Enthusiast
Order high-quality root powder. It seems for me the amount of work it takes to get a good brew is proportional to the effects I feel. Read up on this forum about how to prepare dried root. I tried and failed with extracts, capsules, and "teas." The #1 factor seems to be having an empty stomach - make sure you use kava at least 5-6 hours after your last meal. After you drink all of your kava, wait 30 minutes and eat a light meal containing fat. The meal after has the kava slapping me in the face before I am done eating.

Krunkedout's recommendation of Stone from nakamalathome.com is a good one.

You might also try Boroguru (stronger than Borogu) from bulakavahouse.com. Another great affordable choice that includes detailed instructions on the package.

For me, it took about 3 weeks of daily usage to break through reverse tolerance and obtain a proper krunk. The effects are subtle at first, and build with intensity as you go. But again, I cannot stress the importance of an empty stomach enough. Two nights ago I made my usual strong brew, which typically has me nodding within an hour, and drank it only 3 hours after dinner. I got zilch.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
#1 factor seems to be having an empty stomach - make sure you use kava at least 5-6 hours after your last meal
Should be on the label of every bag of kava sold.


Kava Enthusiast
Kapmcrunk said:
#1 factor seems to be having an empty stomach - make sure you use kava at least 5-6 hours after your last meal

Should be on the label of every bag of kava sold.

If only it was.  I would have saved a bunch of money early on without having to go through trial and error, eliminating variables, before I finally figured it out.


Kava Enthusiast
I usually have my kava a couple of hours after a meal, but I don't think my stomach is empty by then.

Problem is that it's very hard to find a time in the day when you haven't eaten in ~5 hours. On top of that, it might take another hour or more to consume a few shells of kava, by which time I'd be ready to collapse with hunger! How do you guys do it?

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Personally I eat dinner before 6, make my kava by 7:00 and let it refrigerate and drink a little after 10. My drink is usually as thick as chocolate milk and only about 10 oz. Pleasant is not the adjective I would ever use to describe it.


Kava Enthusiast
I drink kava firstly to help aid in getting to sleep, and secondly to help with anxiety. The next day carryover helps with the latter.

I eat dinner around 5:30 or 6:00 pm, and begin my kava session around 11:30pm. No food in between. I make a 2 cup batch which I can drink in 3 shells, spaced 10 minutes apart, with a light snack afterward. Has me climbing into bed around 1:00am. But then again, I'm a night-owl.

Occasionally on the weekends I might wake up late, drink a cup of coffee to get going, realize I still have an empty stomach, and have a kava session. I'm not too fond of this unless I plan to just veg out on the couch for 2-3 hours. I also find that mid-day kava usually reduces the effects of my before-bed kava.


Kava Enthusiast
I agree mid day kava reduces evening effects for me too.

I have had a very strange schedule for kava lately, the other day i realized i barely ate anything because i was trying to drink on an empty stomach lol.

I always take it at night for muscle and pain, but if i need it for depression too i will also do a mid day session.

The other day i slept in way too late, realized I had an empty stomach and did a mid afternoon session for depression. then i forgot to eat because sometimes kava acts as an appetite suppressor for me. then it got close to dinner time so i drank the muscle kava before i ate, then ate dinner 30 min later. I think all i had to eat that day was dinner.


Kava Curious
Ash Blue said:
Kava doesn't seem to be doing anything for me. I tried 500mg of 70% kavalactones with no results. Each time I try a little bit more, and now I tried 2 grams of 70% kavalactones without no results. How much do I need?
Its a near pharmacological impossibility that 1,400mg of lactones would not produce an effect.  I would suspect that the extract you got is not really 70%, or perhaps it was at some point and it has since expired.

kl.Ash Blue

Kava Curious
Having a total of 10000mg (10g) kavalactones in 1 day did very little. I bought a bag of root about a year ago, and even 3 table spoons of that worked nicely. With the extract what is supposed to be about 10x the dosage doesn't even make my mouth numb. There must be something wrong with this crap. Waste of money.


Kava Enthusiast
If your mouth is not getting numb at all, whatever you have lacks kavain and dihydrokavain. Not a good product.


Visited the product page on ebay...  When I got to this, I laughed: "It makes a nice addition to home-made / natural cosmetics, and unlike most Kava on the market, it also has a very pleasing, sweet pepper scent."

Kava as lip-stick, blush, and mascara huh?  New to me.... LOL

kl.Ash Blue

Kava Curious
It's illegal to sell for internal use in England, so I guess that's why he says that. But I doubt many people buy kava reasons like lipstick :p


Kava Enthusiast
I don't know about you, but I don't want any kavalactones being in close proximity of my eyeballs...

...or do I?...

*dunks face in shell*


Kava Enthusiast
Ash Blue said:
I messaged the seller of that product before to ask about the extraction technique he uses. He says they use 'ethanol alcohol solvent extraction'. Would it be bad to use alcohol in the extraction process?
That's a pricey product for just 25 grams. I got 100 grams of decent instant from kava kauai for $39 delivered to europe. Still, if you're new to kava I'd go get yourself some root powder instead of instant.


Kava Enthusiast
midas said:
Ash Blue said:
I messaged the seller of that product before to ask about the extraction technique he uses. He says they use 'ethanol alcohol solvent extraction'. Would it be bad to use alcohol in the extraction process?
That's a pricey product for just 25 grams. I got 100 grams of decent instant from kava kauai for $39 delivered to europe. Still, if you're new to kava I'd go get yourself some root powder instead of instant.
Do you mean as far as inefficiency or liver risk?


Kava Enthusiast
metacog said:
midas said:
Ash Blue said:
I messaged the seller of that product before to ask about the extraction technique he uses. He says they use 'ethanol alcohol solvent extraction'. Would it be bad to use alcohol in the extraction process?
That's a pricey product for just 25 grams. I got 100 grams of decent instant from kava kauai for $39 delivered to europe. Still, if you're new to kava I'd go get yourself some root powder instead of instant.
Do you mean as far as inefficiency or liver risk? 
Was thinking about liver risk. I have no idea though, just wondering since they say not to mix kava and alcohol. Alcohol extraction might be perfectly safe though?