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Kavas that help with meditation?

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Kava Enthusiast
I have always been a big fan of meditation, but have found are while taking certain substances nothing illegal, I was able to go deeper with my meditation. What kava's do you guys find that work well with meditation? I have had a few kava do well with this(melomelo) and others not so well(boroguru). So looking for recommendations.

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
Hahaa Marang is a good meditation fruit?

I'd say it's really about finding balanced kavas ... the ones that a hard head looking for a buzz would throw out..
Those are the essential kavas for meditation.
Meditation is the choice to think.
Rather than compulsive thinking. through going beyond Time as the source of your sense of self.

So we want a kava that is nice and calming but doesn't shut of the mind... if it stops you from thinking like being krunk does.. your going below thought. Which feels peaceful like meditation but is like being an animal or baby . not a conscious human .


Kava Enthusiast
Nothing, the difference between being krunked and just being. I've used it for yoga with mixed results but if you have to use something to get to
present it's not really meditation. Probably not harmful but not meditation it's medication .

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
Essentially yeah any dependance for presence by its nature contradicts the state. not the substance . the relationship to it. you can use stuff to help but once the portal is open then drop it. and keep going into the Now.
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