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King Kava beverage in NYC

kl.Thunder Chunky

Kava Curious
Has anyone tried this kava drink out of NYC? A couple months ago when I first heard about kava and wanted to try it, I looked for places in NYC to purchase. This drink came up somehow on my Google search, so I went to the Upper West Side to pick some up yesterday. It comes in the following two flavors:

I was expecting to see an extract in the ingredients list, but apparently they just throw straight powder into the mix.

You can see how the powder settles at the bottom

Anyways, after yoga last night, I came home on an empty stomach (hadn't eaten in 6 hours), and gave these a shot. Preface: I don't think I'm over the RT yet. With that being said, both flavors were very tasty, and the kava flavor was very mild. I experienced no numbing of the mouth after drinking one, and perhaps only a slight feeling of relaxation, though possibly placebo. After drinking the other, I still experienced no mouth numbing, and didn't notice any further changes.
These were tasty to put down, but I felt unimpressed overall. I'm guessing that either: 1) I'm still not completely over the RT; and/or 2) the amount and/or quality of the powder they're using isn't enough/good enough and perhaps they should be using an extract.
I'm hoping that someone here lives in the NYC area and is definitely over their RT so they can give it a try.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
I have seen these when digging through the US for kava vendors, and they did spark my interest. Its my understanding that they are not sold online so you're one of the few that has access to them. Try it again when you've gotten through your reverse tolerance and see what you think


Kava Enthusiast
It's so ridiculous for someone to produce a consumer product and not sell it online. How hard is it really? Even if you only sell by the case, you're going to vastly expand your selling potential by being accessible to niche markets online.



Kava Enthusiast
Yes I know these products, have tried them and really appreciate what these guys are trying to do. They are not online yet because they have just started production and are distributing locally here in NYC in a few test areas. I have talked to the guys personally and they are a couple of cool dudes. Their product uses organic kava sourced from a private farmer in Hawaii. If you have NOT tried kava yet you may not notice the effects, they are very mild. They DO NOT use extracts they use real kava powder and all other ingredients are organic too. I find that if I have two of these beverages and drink them fairly quickly I will get a nice mild kava buzz, enough of one that I can tell it's high quality root being used. The guys that make this stuff said they will be working on making a stronger beverage in the future. If you have not tried kava before like I said a mild product like this you might not be able to feel. Best get a nice pound or 1/2 kilo of quality Kava root from any of the vendors here (except kona kava farm, why on earth do they even still exists everyone online complains about them and I myself ordered from them 1ce and will never again, their root is really nasty), and squeeze yourself out some real kava, you have to learn how to feel kava when you start, which is something that happens with many herbs including Cannabis. There IS NOWHERE in NYC where you will find real kava. You can go to health food stores whole foods etc etc etc and you will only find Yogi tea made with extract (blech) and nasty possibly poisonous alcohol based tinctures & some nasty extract pills. It has been very frustrating being a lava drinker in NYC(smiley: mad)

kl.Thunder Chunky

Kava Curious
Glad to have your input odys1i! I checked their website and saw that they will be demoing it at a Whole Foods downtown, so I might trek down there to talk with them too. Hopefully they will continue to refine their product and listen to customer input to keep making it better. Looking forward to trying it again in a couple months when I'm certainly through the RT.


Kava Enthusiast
I think that they are being very careful not to make it a stoner product straight off.  I have tried king kava from two successive batches and the second was stronger than the first, but not nearly strong enough. For me, if I am going to pay $3 to $4 for one of these, which is what they are getting for it, it should give me at least what a nice big strong shell of real 'Awa would, maybe two shells. But if they made it that strong the stoner kiddies might buy 10 and end up falling asleep early
or something.
The paranoia surrounding herbs is perplexing and maddening because somehow 10 bottles of colt45 is supposed to be a fun party


Kava Enthusiast
I really dig the labels.

I want and also fear general public interaction with kava. Ignorance-based fear has a habit of ruining things for those of us who are mature and moderate because a minority of the population are idiots.

I think they're smart for keeping the potency low-moderate. If the consumer is interested, the kava world is out there waiting for him a few clicks away. Maybe when these guys get their online shop up, they could carry a higher potency concoction that is an internet-exclusive?

kl.Thunder Chunky

Kava Curious
metacog said:
I want and also fear general public interaction with kava. Ignorance-based fear has a habit of ruining things for those of us who are mature and moderate because a minority of the population are idiots.

I think they're smart for keeping the potency low-moderate. If the consumer is interested, the kava world is out there waiting for him a few clicks away. Maybe when these guys get their online shop up, they could carry a higher potency concoction that is an internet-exclusive?
I like this and agree. The RT seems like a curse when you're going through it, but might be one of the best things kava has going for it: its like a self-defense mechanism against all the people who are looking for that quick and easy "high". Only the mature and moderate like you say get to reap the ultimate benefits


Kava Enthusiast
I approve of what they're doing. I really love the kava entrepreneurs out there and new innovations like the kava candy. This seems like a legit idea and honest people doing it. Even if they made a strong kava beverage using a sizable amount of instant that could krunk the average person, it would really only call out to root heads as other people haven't worked through their reverse tolerance stage. I think this product could also bring kava into the lives of more people. They could drink it and get a little mellow of it and then do some research and get some root, hopefully real good root not konakava.


Kava Enthusiast
However new2kava not everyone has RT.  I for one have a particular affinity for its effects (lucky me), and it only takes one spoiled apple to ruin the barrel :-/


Kava Lover
I used I think I didn't have much of a RT. I always had gotten effects from kava. But then one night I was drinking stone and I realized that someone had turned my living room into a dradel and started spinning it. I realized at the moment that I only thought I was experiencing the full effects of kava.


Kava Enthusiast
metacog said:
However new2kava not everyone has RT.  I for one have a particular affinity for its effects (lucky me), and it only takes one spoiled apple to ruin the barrel :-/
I actually thought the RT was the best thing kava had going for it in terms of remaining off the radar. If people could just get get krunked their first time drinking it we would videos of ass hat kids on youtube chugging shells and acting like chodes. In no time it would be all over dateline and friggin Dr. Oz would do some lame special on it and it would be in the same boat as salvia and K@. I'm happy for you that you did not have to go through a month of no effects to break through. Since it is an an atypical substance their is no definite way to predict the effects for anyone. I just like to think the 9 out of 10 go through RT and therefore it loses the legal high appeal.


Kava Enthusiast
new2kava said:
metacog said:
However new2kava not everyone has RT.  I for one have a particular affinity for its effects (lucky me), and it only takes one spoiled apple to ruin the barrel :-/
I actually thought the RT was the best thing kava had going for it in terms of remaining off the radar. If people could just get get krunked their first time drinking it we would videos of ass hat kids on youtube chugging shells and acting like chodes. In no time it would be all over dateline and friggin Dr. Oz would do some lame special on it and it would be in the same boat as salvia and K@. I'm happy for you that you did not have to go through a month of no effects to break through. Since it is an an atypical substance their is no definite way to predict the effects for anyone. I just like to think the 9 out of 10 go through RT and therefore it loses the legal high appeal.  
After reading this I went to youtube to find an asshat shell chugging chode certain that there would be at least ONE but,  I couldn't find a single one! I went through ten pages!


Kava Lover
metacog said:
new2kava said:
metacog said:
However new2kava not everyone has RT.  I for one have a particular affinity for its effects (lucky me), and it only takes one spoiled apple to ruin the barrel :-/
I actually thought the RT was the best thing kava had going for it in terms of remaining off the radar. If people could just get get krunked their first time drinking it we would videos of ass hat kids on youtube chugging shells and acting like chodes. In no time it would be all over dateline and friggin Dr. Oz would do some lame special on it and it would be in the same boat as salvia and K@. I'm happy for you that you did not have to go through a month of no effects to break through. Since it is an an atypical substance their is no definite way to predict the effects for anyone. I just like to think the 9 out of 10 go through RT and therefore it loses the legal high appeal.  
After reading this I went to youtube to find an asshat shell chugging chode certain that there would be at least ONE but,  I couldn't find a single one! I went through ten pages!
victory for kavas natural defense mechanisms!


Kava Lover
wow and thats his first time!? and with only 5 tablespoons... im curious as to just how much of this is placebo and how much is the kava. i mean, i have been known to get this krunk, but i am a daily drinker and dont have anymore RT. But i guess not everyone has an RT.