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King Kava beverage in NYC


Kava Enthusiast
Yeah that's nuts. I don't buy it. I've never been that krunked with way more than he had.


Kava Enthusiast

So I was in Greenwich Village the other day and saw this K@ shot. I've tried it a couple times now, once with a kava buzz & once without. I  am sure that for a hardcore K@ addict it's not that strong but to me it was a quite powerful K@ buzz I got out of this lil thing. I had taken K@ before, real leaf from bouncing bear botanicals & a stong strain, I liked it at first but because I had enjoyed a coffee less than 5 or 6 hourse before I got nauseous and actually threw up, ('Awa has NEVER made me throw up by the way).  As a commercial beverage / shot I have to say it provides a tempting buzz however every place that I have seen selling this is selling it with the caffine shots, which if you did this and a 5hour energy it would end up being a 15minute nausea shot at least. All the warnings on the label are tiny and it advertises itself as the latest 'party shot', & frankly from what I know about K@ it's not going to mix well with anything ele that might be at the party EXCEPT for kava or salvia divinorum. I would think a kava shot made with a really fine quality natural organic extract would be superdeeduper and way better than this simply because kava is less problematic. I also feel, though the  K@ opiate buzz is very pleasent, neither the shot or the pre-nausea natural buzz gave me anything more than a good strong Tongan pride or M'oi does in terms of euphoric bliss, and kava gives me so much more than simply that.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
See, drinks like this are a problem for me. If I didn't know exactly what that was and wandered into it at a gas station or quick mart I might be willing to try the newest "energy" drink. But...and this is a big but, if I were to drink this I'm sure I'd be searching every street corner for the nearest H dealer afterwards. K@, however it has been overlooked by the current laws, is an opiate. Produces feelings like an opiate, addicts you like an opiate, and causes withdrawal like an opiate. It's for this reason I cringe when K@ is posted to the kava lounge. I do however see that you're saying kava is more effective, and that is appreciated.


Kava Enthusiast

Associating kava with other "legal highs," or illegal ones for that matter, can only mean bad things for kava's future.


Kava Enthusiast
Kapmcrunk's point is well taken on addiction. I meant ot mention that in the original reply  but forgot so thanks. Really I have heard people say they have become addicted within a matter of a couple weeks on K@ so, as pleasent as this 'shot' was forme to try because I know all this most people trying it probably will not know it. As far as not associating kava with other "highs" legal and not I say Bolderdash... I am awaiting the day soon where our favorite herbs cacti and mushrooms will ALL be legal because they are ALL used in meditation, spiritual and even religious practice. I find many herbs go really well together, K@ and kava apparently, kava and salvia divinorum is wonderful, kava cannabis and quality coffee are my own personal soma. The issue is that these laws in the United States of America are unconstitutional and the 'war on drugs' is blatently so. THAT is the problem. I choose not to be paranoid about kava becoming illegal and focus on the benefcial non harmful methods of useing plants for spiritual developnment meditation assitance and conscioussness raising.


Kava Curious
Kapmcrunk said:
See, drinks like this are a problem for me. If I didn't know exactly what that was and wandered into it at a gas station or quick mart I might be willing to try the newest "energy" drink. But...and this is a big but, if I were to drink this I'm sure I'd be searching every street corner for the nearest H dealer afterwards. K@, however it has been overlooked by the current laws, is an opiate. Produces feelings like an opiate, addicts you like an opiate, and causes withdrawal like an opiate. It's for this reason I cringe when K@ is posted to the kava lounge. I do however see that you're saying kava is more effective, and that is appreciated. 
While I'm not at all in favor of K@ being sold this way, your comment contains exactly the sort of hyperbole that you hopefully strive to avoid about kava.  First of all K@ is not exactly an opiate.  Probably opioid is more appropriate, but it does more than just bind to your opioid receptors, particularly depending on dosage, and is not at all chemically related to opiates.  It can produce feelings like an opiate to an extent, but much less strong.  Also in reasonable doses it provides a feeling of energy and well being, and is very mood elevating and anxiolytic without loss of mental clarity.  It also does not addict you like an opiate.  It certainly is physically addicting, but so is caffeine.  I've had epic 3-4 day withdrawal bouts with caffeine that were absolute hell, but it wasn't dangerous in any way.  Absolutely there are common withdrawal symptoms to opiates, but rarely anywhere near as harsh and agonizing. In fact, one of its best uses is to get off of an opiate addiction without much suffering.  It also is safe, and self-limiting.  It does not depress your respiratory system on its own. No one has ever died of a K@ overdose, unlike other opiates (even including methadone and suboxone which are supposed to get you off opiates).  The worst that happens is you puke it up and sleep for a while.  It has been a godsend to countless people who have chronic pain, or are trying to kick opiate addiction.  Your statement about searching for an H dealer is akin to saying that if I drank a cup of coffee for the first time, I'd surely be seeking out meth dealers afterward.

Now absolutely it should not be sold this way.  It should be sold to responsible adults only, with clearly stated information about its effects, addiction potential, and dangers of mixing with other drugs, particularly alcohol.  My fear is that someone will do a shot or two of the K@ drink, and then drink a bunch of beers.  But you are acting just like those people who say that you had better not use kava cause it will destroy your liver.  Given your quite reasonable desire to dispel untruths about kava and show it in the positive light it deserves, I'm surprised you would stoop to the level of the scaremongering media regarding K@.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
"Your statement about searching for an H dealer is akin to saying that if I drank a cup of coffee for the first time, I'd surely be seeking out meth dealers afterward."

I'm a recovering addict. I absolutely would be.

Edited because I was being an asshole
And I absolutely meant no offense by my post. Kava saved my life by being non-addictive. I'd hate for someone looking for that very thing to encounter something other than kava.


Kava Curious
Kapmcrunk said:
"Your statement about searching for an H dealer is akin to saying that if I drank a cup of coffee for the first time, I'd surely be seeking out meth dealers afterward."

I'm a recovering addict. I absolutely would be.

Do I need to remind you that this is a kava forum?
-edited to be less douchey ;)-

I very much enjoy kava, and encourage others to try it all the time.  I also get irritated when people try to cast it in a negative light.  I also happen to feel the same way about K@. I didn't mean to take offense. My point is mostly that if you are concerned that association with K@ will negatively affect kava, then spreading FUD about K@ is also self-defeating.  I would like to see all of these wonderful natural products be able to be used by people who can benefit from them.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
I understand. You're defending what you like. I guess we're gonna clash heads, and I do apologize for coming off so strongly. I guess my gravity towards kava is a question I'll have to answer to myself. In all honesty it's my own personal experience that comes to play here being that I have spent years enslaved to opiates and programmed myself to hate them...or opiods.

It's really my deal, and I ask forgiveness for being pushy as everyone has a place here.


Kava Curious
Kapmcrunk said:
I understand. You're defending what you like. I guess we're gonna clash heads, and I do apologize for coming off so strongly. I guess my gravity towards kava is a question I'll have to answer to myself. In all honesty it's my own personal experience that comes to play here being that I have spent years enslaved to opiates and programmed myself to hate them...or opiods.

It's really my deal, and I ask forgiveness for being pushy as everyone has a place here.
I'm sorry I got testy as well. I can understand where you are coming from, though I have been lucky to not have any issues with addiction. I can't imagine how hard it must be to overcome something like an opiate addiction.

But luckily we have common ground in that we can all agree that kava is good thing!


Kava Enthusiast
I believe that it does no one any good to feel guilty about 'getting high'. Herbs like kava K@ cannabis even salviaD all have long lastin effects that go way beyond just the 'high' and the euphoria relaxation and mental/visual effects of these herbs ARE what makes them so loved by the human species. This is WHY we little monkeys have cultivated them.
PS. thanks for the great response JKW & the great discussion it's generating. I do know K@ is not an opiate but (I think) an  opoid agonist which I think means it works in and around the opoid recptors but is different.


Kava Enthusiast
odys1i said:
As far as not associating kava with other "highs" legal and not I say Bolderdash... I am awaiting the day soon where our favorite herbs cacti and mushrooms will ALL be legal because they are ALL used in meditation, spiritual and even religious practice. I find many herbs go really well together, K@ and kava apparently, kava and salvia divinorum is wonderful, kava cannabis and quality coffee are my own personal soma. The issue is that these laws in the United States of America are unconstitutional and the 'war on drugs' is blatently so. THAT is the problem. I choose not to be paranoid about kava becoming illegal and focus on the benefcial non harmful methods of useing plants for spiritual developnment meditation assitance and conscioussness raising.
Good for you that you choose not to be paranoid.  The rest of us want to be able to obtain kava in a manner that does not risk prison time or involve back-alley deals.  You cannot just "wish away" the fact that there is a growing momentum toward making illegal all sorts of substances like synthetic cannabinoids, bath salts, and even salvia in a growing number of states.  Why unnecessarily risk having kava swept up in this trend?

Your cavalier attitude of "screw the man" will not help the kava cause.  The courts have found the current federal drug laws to be constitutional, mostly from a regulating interstate commerce perspective.  Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean it is unconstitutional. I by no means support the purpose of these laws nor their consequences, but you have to see the reality that they are not going away if new substances are being scheduled all the time.  The problem is really one of ignorance.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
jkw, definitely agree!

At the root of the issue, you're right odys1i. I'm 100% NOT for the war on drugs. I was forcibly required to donate all of my life savings to the drug enforcement task force when I was 19 due to "the war".


Kava Enthusiast
At one time US courts found Slavery constitutional and there where interstate commerce regulations involved too. Are we not Americans? Are we supposed to cower or stand up for what we believe in?


Kava Enthusiast
Slavery was constitutional because it was explicitly stated in the Constitution that slaves were considered three-fifths of a person (Article I, Section II).  Like with slavery, it will probably take a constitutional amendment to abolish the current drug laws and achieve the utopia you speak of.

Sadly, it is easier to add items to the list, than to abolish the list itself.

Speaking of "The List" - here's an oldie but a goodie:
Hi Guys! Hope all is going well. My name is Nick Haycock, and I am one of the co-founders of King Kava. We appreciate all of the feedback!

A couple of things:

1. We are working on some new flavors of King Kava, some of which will have a much higher potency/concentration of kava. It is difficult to strike a balance between having a reasonable price point and having the right amount of kava, especially since all of our products are made by hand in very small scales.

2. We will soon be selling King Kava online via thirstmonger.com.

3. We are doing a kickstarter to help finance the creation of new Kava flavors. If you are interested in contributing here is the link: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/86958374/king-kava-new-flavors-project

If anyone has any other questions I am happy to respond!

-Nick Haycck

kl.Kava Cola

Kava Curious
KingKavaBeverage said:
Hi Guys! Hope all is going well. My name is Nick Haycock, and I am one of the co-founders of King Kava. We appreciate all of the feedback!

A couple of things:

1. We are working on some new flavors of King Kava, some of which will have a much higher potency/concentration of kava. It is difficult to strike a balance between having a reasonable price point and having the right amount of kava, especially since all of our products are made by hand in very small scales.

2. We will soon be selling King Kava online via thirstmonger.com.

3. We are doing a kickstarter to help finance the creation of new Kava flavors. If you are interested in contributing here is the link: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/86958374/king-kava-new-flavors-project

If anyone has any other questions I am happy to respond!

-Nick Haycck
Hey Nick,

Cian here from Lava Cola - Vanuatu Kava Cola , my site www.globalkavaexports.com will be up in a week or so but email me anytime at [email protected], would love to see if we could help each other out. We have a Kava based drink that uses a water extracted Resin (so no alcohol extraction method, no chemicals etc) and are based in Europe but with partners in the South Pacific and the US.

I agree with you that its hard to get the balance right between a decent price and a decent Kava effect in a Ready To Drink product, you could always make a very strong drink but the price would always be much higher.

Anyway check us out at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lava-Cola-Vanuatu-Kava/508688959179232 or just drop me an email sometime if you fancy a chat. Even if you dont get in touch your drink sounds interesting and I wish you the best of luck!

kl.Kava Cola

Kava Curious
KingKavaBeverage said:
Hi Guys! Hope all is going well. My name is Nick Haycock, and I am one of the co-founders of King Kava. We appreciate all of the feedback!

A couple of things:

1. We are working on some new flavors of King Kava, some of which will have a much higher potency/concentration of kava. It is difficult to strike a balance between having a reasonable price point and having the right amount of kava, especially since all of our products are made by hand in very small scales.

2. We will soon be selling King Kava online via thirstmonger.com.

3. We are doing a kickstarter to help finance the creation of new Kava flavors. If you are interested in contributing here is the link: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/86958374/king-kava-new-flavors-project

If anyone has any other questions I am happy to respond!

-Nick Haycck
Tried to contribute mate but need a PayPal option at the moment lol, Il try again later in the week!