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Kneading Question


Kava Enthusiast
Here’s a nice mundane question. When you knead do you........

(A) Hold the strainer in the water and knead while keeping the strainer submerged
(B) Dunk the strainer then hold over liquid and squeeze dry – repeat
(C) Other


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
a, b, c, & d.
I get my pile of root in the bottom of the strainer...twist the excess strainer fabric into somewhat of a tail...put my root ball in the water and let the 'tail' hang out the side...then i can use both hands to really pinch and knead in the water with full force...turn the root ball different directions to make sure i squeeze it all...then every couple minutes i pull it above the water and do a very thorough 'twist-squeeze'...re-submerge and repeat for about 10min, always ending on the twist-squeeze, and usually flipping the 'tail' into the final twist, because it often soaks up water along the way. the twist really gets the most moisture out.

Some people do one-handed squeezing, just clenching their fist repeatedly. But that looks like it would be less effective and take longer, to me. It still works though...


Kava Who?
a, b, c, & d.
I get my pile of root in the bottom of the strainer...twist the excess strainer fabric into somewhat of a tail...put my root ball in the water and let the 'tail' hang out the side...then i can use both hands to really pinch and knead in the water with full force...turn the root ball different directions to make sure i squeeze it all...then every couple minutes i pull it above the water and do a very thorough 'twist-squeeze'...re-submerge and repeat for about 10min, always ending on the twist-squeeze, and usually flipping the 'tail' into the final twist, because it often soaks up water along the way. the twist really gets the most moisture out.

Some people do one-handed squeezing, just clenching their fist repeatedly. But that looks like it would be less effective and take longer, to me. It still works though...
Well my method is a bit different, I use a blender stick. But If I did not have access to my blender, I would follow shakas directions to the letter. I feel he grave a great detailed description, on how to get it all out of your kava. Much love. Roaddog....


Kava Enthusiast
First A and then B when done/tired of kneading. And unless you are extremely thorough with kneading and maybe even then, you can typically get a good 2nd kneading out of a batch.


Kava Who?
Yea, Although I use a blender, I do, do a traditional knead, for a second wash. I usualy do this with about a quarter of the water, I used on the first strain. I also like to get my second wash, water, pretty hot. I believe this gets the most out of it. Much love. Roaddog....