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KT botanicals kava products question


Kava Lover
if only I had one of these bad boys. Then I could probably separate the different kavalactones. Then I could have different crystals for my everyday needs! Back pain? Here! Try some crystalline DHM!

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Skin too supple? Not flaky enough? Try DHM!

-When only the most leathery, flakiest skin will do!


Kava Enthusiast
Krunkedout said:
Wow that's pretty expensive. I wonder how much would be a proper dose of 98% pure kavain... Seems to me that pure kavain would be some pretty powerful stuff, as is a lot of stuff when it's in pure form. But for 1 gram of 85% pure kavain at under 7 bucks a pop, I think I'll stick with the kt stuff.
I just noticed this section when reading the kava entry over at Wikipedia:

"Another study published in the journal Phytochemistry in 2003 indicated traditional aqueous preparations of kava also extract glutathione, which alcoholic extracts lack when made with high concentrations of alcohol. The authors discovered the glutathione in traditional preparations interacts with the kavalactones and prevents cell death. They claim that in all standardized extracts that contributed to liver damage, there were only the kavalactones without any glutathione."

This made me wonder if taking any pure kavalactones without the presence of glutathione could lead to liver damage, even if they weren't prepared as an ethanol extract.  I'll stick to the grog.


Kava Lover
KavaKrunked said:
Krunkedout said:
Wow that's pretty expensive. I wonder how much would be a proper dose of 98% pure kavain... Seems to me that pure kavain would be some pretty powerful stuff, as is a lot of stuff when it's in pure form. But for 1 gram of 85% pure kavain at under 7 bucks a pop, I think I'll stick with the kt stuff.
I just noticed this section when reading the kava entry over at Wikipedia:

"Another study published in the journal Phytochemistry in 2003 indicated traditional aqueous preparations of kava also extract glutathione, which alcoholic extracts lack when made with high concentrations of alcohol. The authors discovered the glutathione in traditional preparations interacts with the kavalactones and prevents cell death. They claim that in all standardized extracts that contributed to liver damage, there were only the kavalactones without any glutathione."

This made me wonder if taking any pure kavalactones without the presence of glutathione could lead to liver damage, even if they weren't prepared as an ethanol extract. I'll stick to the grog.
probably so, but I'm not too worried about my liver. I've got engine blood in me so I think my liver can take it :) and as far as the product goes, my current reaction to it is this: it is a nice product but still not as strong as traditional grog and you don't get a whole lot. I've already gone through one of my two vials. I think for my next experiment I will put a thread in the vial and put it in the freezer and see if I can precipitate the kavain and crystallize it on the thread.