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Labs back question


Hello all,
I have been using micronized kava for over a year now. About 2 to 3 tbls every night. I have had labs done twice during the year and both times are great. Kidneys and liver no increases and very normal. The only thing that's out of control is my cholesterol. I was normal before kava now on both tests it's really high. I have a family history of heart disease so I don't want high cholesterol. I have been reading this happened to a lot of you guys. I love kava helps me sleep but now I'm at a crossroad. Makes me wonder if it can change cholesterol like that, can it be bad for you in other ways? I can quit which I really don't want to or take red rice yeast. My question is to anyone that had a similar story and stayed on kava while using red rice yeast? Also have success lowering it a good ammount? I won't take a prescription. Thanks for replies


Do all things with love
Did your HDL go up as well? High HDL mitigates an overall total cholesterol that is "high." The "good" portion of fractionated LDL (big and fluffy vs tiny and dense) makes a difference too.

Dietary changes can cause big changes in cholesterol, but there are conflicting opinions about the best way to create the most positive change, and what works for one might not for another. I've seen a lot of people do well dropping carbs and going grain free. The HDL goes up, and at first the LDL does too as the tiny high density pieces (very bad) become big and fluffy (good). Blood pressure often stabilizes.

PUFA's are always bad to have in the diet as they are very prone to oxidation, before and after consuming. Another consideration is vitamin K2 intake, K2 directs calcium to be deposited into bones and teeth instead of blood vessel walls and soft tissues. Leafy greens are rich in K (and oxalates!) and natto is an excellent source of K.


Kava Curious
I have been experiencing the same issue with increased cholesterol. I am also on a statin already due to previously high cholesterol. The longer I have been a daily kava user the higher my cholesterol. I have recently cut back the daily amounts and will have new labs in a couple of weeks so I will post the results here. Mostly only affects the LDL and Total #'s. Also I am very fit and eat a really clean diet so the only thing that has changed for me is the use of kava. The increase has been steady over a 2 year period of time.
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Hello Violet,
Thanks for the reply. HDL was good and the ratio was just slightly over even with high everything else. So I still wouldn't be considered a candidate for a statin drug. I do eat fairly well too. I'm not over weight or anything, but I did add exercise in everyday and cholesterol actually went up. Blood pressure is always good as well. Now vitamin K2 not too sure if that is in my multivitamin, but I will have to look into that.