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I Love Kava Friday Last Friday on Earth


Deleted User01

Oh Wow, I did an enormous amount of Kava and the world didn't come to an end. :eek: I think I took so much that I'm blind. No, wait minute, my eyes are closed 'cause I took a quick
nap. :sleep: But that's beside the point! @kavadude, what happened!!! :rolleyes:
@kavadude, you got a lot of susplaining to do.::ricky::
You ain't seen nuthin' tell me and by Buddies launch the Zombie Apocalypse. Crunch, crunch, munch, munch. :hungry: Yeah, it's like that. ::frosty::

Deleted User01

@Mrbinx69, back in the Old Kava Forum, the rule was that you had to be Krunked to post. Now you know why. :D Anyway, if the End of Time was cancelled, I wanna Rain Ticket. Man, you can't depend on undependable people anymore.

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
Hahaha. This forum makes like 30 times more sense when I'm krunked but I typically stay away from phones unless enough social is happening haha. And dude seriously I agree ! These sources of info that we usually don't trust anyway can't be going and giving us info about the end of the world cause then I'll trust it... but in all seriousness.... I found a cool article that is prolly the most likely end of the world scenario

Deleted User01

I thought Ancient Aliens triggered Mass Distinctions with Nuclear Ray Guns and shit. ::evilgeniusz:: It's a myth that Volcanoes and Meteors did it. That's like saying, "The Devil Made
me Do it". ::evillaugh2::

Kava Steve

Hey, I wonder how man consecutive doses of Mo'i I can do before I'm bouncing around like Bugs Bunny? Now's my chance to find out. :D
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HaHa I never want to return to that place.... Was jammin out in my shop to some techno 4 tbs of micro Moi in 15 minutes... At first it was fun that is until the full effects kicked in then it was a euphoria like none other... Wasn't sick from it but holy shit batman where's my cape was ringing in my ears