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Lateral roots to chew.


Nothing weird about that in my opinion Jerome! You just went full blown traditional! I've done that too with rootlets, chewed and spit a big pile of mushy chewed roots into a stainer and made some brew. Now that's a different experience! It also helped that I was already pretty krunked after chewing all those roots....
i personally have the feeling that it works far better and cleaner via the mucosa when chewing it instead of ingesting, and without the digestive side actions, but i don't know if it's possible to get krunked the way some might wish ...

Since i still do not have any chewable peaces i just take up to a teaspoon into my mouth and squash it around till too much spit has accumulated, so after around ~15min i spit it out. Works very well for me, but i have to confess it's somewhat gross also :)