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Less anger, more passion

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Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
I've noticed that since I have been back drinking kava daily I do not get angry at all, instead I seem to have more passion for things. I have never really suffered with anxiety, or not enough to worry about (no pun/awful joke intended), but when I used to drink alcohol daily I would regularly get wound up about something or other.

To my mind there are two types of anger... impotent rage where you can't do anything to change a situation you're not happy about. This quite often leads to breaking things and swearing. The other type is the not getting your own way but if I get angry enough I'll intimidate the other person into giving me what I want. Neither of these are healthy or a good way to live your life but when I was drinking every day I seem to remember getting both at one time or another.

I would say that when you drink kava daily in sufficient quantities it's not a surprise that you've got kl's in your system still well into the next day. Alcohol has a similar lingering effect but not in a good way! For me at least kava leads to less anger and more passion, alcohol leads to more anger and less passion about anything. Another good reason to carry on drinking kava :)


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
Another thing I've noticed is that my tolerance for it has gone right down. I've had 2 small pouni ono and 2 cups wow with 1 tbsp in each. I know it's a good kava but still... 2 tbsps?! Feeling really nice right now and goes to show I don't need 4 tbsps plus to feel good any more :)


Agreed. That is great that your tolerance has gone down. I don't think I would feel a thing after two TBSPs, so a little jealous of ya there.

A few things I have definitely figured out after over a year and a half of consistent kava usage is that 1. my mind is really my own worst enemy and thoughts can still make or break a kava session, 2. I think I would be able to use a lot less if I had discovered kava before my pill abuse, and 3. I'm really thankful for kava.

Kava Wolf

Prowling for Kava
I've just been using Kava since January but really notice the effects now...whether heady, heavy or balanced. The problem, if you want to call it that, is I seem to still get agitated regardless of what type of Kava. I usually use anywhere from 2-4 tbs, mostly 4. It does relax me and feel really good...just can't figure out the agitation symptoms. Maybe eventually this will subside over time.


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
I've just been using Kava since January but really notice the effects now...whether heady, heavy or balanced. The problem, if you want to call it that, is I seem to still get agitated regardless of what type of Kava. I usually use anywhere from 2-4 tbs, mostly 4. It does relax me and feel really good...just can't figure out the agitation symptoms. Maybe eventually this will subside over time.
I only tend to drink heavy or balanced leaning to heavy kavas. The only really heady one I drink is Pouni Ono and that works well for me but other than that I stick to heavies. Some of the headier kavas and particularly fijians can make me feel really agitated.

Kava Wolf

Prowling for Kava
Thank you for the input, Edward. Maybe I should stick with the heavy. I tend to like the heady...this may be from my drug and alcohol days, so I like the buzz, but I think you are right. The heady Kavas do seem to make me even more agitated.

Deleted User01

Another thing I've noticed is that my tolerance for it has gone right down. I've had 2 small pouni ono and 2 cups wow with 1 tbsp in each. I know it's a good kava but still... 2 tbsps?! Feeling really nice right now and goes to show I don't need 4 tbsps plus to feel good any more :)
You're talking my book @Edward. And yes, alcohol does make you angrier. When I have a little too much, my wife tells me "you were mean last nite". I feel very embarrassed and resolve to drink less (on my alcohol days) and keep my big mouth shut. When I do kava, the only thing that makes me angry is when someone interrupts me when I'm relaxing on the couch. Then again, I'm too relaxed to put forth any anger energy. Maybe I just get "annoyed", not angry.
Let's face it, if you watch the news and keep up with current events, you are going to become angry and aggravated. Ex: A health insurance bill meant to help the sick and poor but with big perks for the rich? A state bathroom bill that discriminates against Transgender children? Awwwrrrrr. :banghead: But Kava helps me go into my inner cave and ignore all the illogical things happening around me.


Kava Enthusiast
I agree on the heady stuff. I tried Borogu from KWK and it made me super edgy. Didnt like it. Ill take heavy anyday.

In fact Ive come to rely on it.

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
I was always a pretty mellow person before, but kava has zapped almost all anger out of me completely, almost all of my ability to get upset about anything. Helps me aim better in tennis, too, somehow and it feels like the two are connected. I tend to gather my thoughts more clearly, make more coherent arguments. It's not that I don't have the same thoughts that would lead to irritation or anger as before, I still do, it's that when they come up, kava zaps 'em, like in that old video game Missile Command. Pow pow pow, gone. Neutralized.


Kava Enthusiast
After being away from kava for a long time and coming back, I totally agree. I stopped drinking kava for awhile because I started feeling as good without it as I did with it. It recently started calling to me (only way I can describe it), and it was certainly time for me to come back. I've been dealing with a lot of stress and found myself getting irritated and judgmental over lots of things that I feel like shouldn't bother me. Since I've started drinking kava again, I"m much calmer and don't get angry over silly things.
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