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Long Reverse Tolerance journey


Kava Curious
Hello everyone!

I don't love blogging or otherwise publicly writing about myself. But I decided that what I have to say may some day help someone. So I'm going to start writing about what I see as taking forever to get through reverse tolerance. Some have gone longer. Some don't believe in reverse tolerance. But whatever it is, it can be frustrating and I'd like to help anyone through it that I can. Not that I'm there yet. But I'm hoping to graduate soon and wave my RT diploma as a flag of encouragement for others. I don't have any questions right now, not that I don't welcome any comments, I do. I'm not looking so much to receive encouragement as I am to give it. Instead of being frustrated and impatient, I'd rather put my energy into documenting what I hope can help anyone else. Gtg for now, but that's my intro and I'll continue soon. Thanks to everyone who has already offered advice and suggestions!


Kava Curious
Start of journey: I first found Kava while searching for an alcohol alternative. I found some less than reliable sources at first, some of which you can find warnings for here if you're just starting out. But if you are starting out, welcome to this forum, and congratulations on finding a great, helpful, friendly place to learn about Kava! Anyway, I liked what I first read, and ran right out and found a tincture at a local health store. This was Mar 7. It tasted terrible and I was nervous about using it for the first time...but it did nothing. I read some more and went back out and got some Gaia Herbs liquid caps. Still nothing. Then I started reading about reverse tolerance, so I wasn't discouraged, I knew it might take time. In the meantime, I read stories from people who had great experiences, great benefits, and great success with Kava, so I knew I wanted to persevere. By this time I knew that this forum was the best place to be to learn correctly. Also by now, I noticed that even though I wasn't feeling the effects of Kava yet, I also wasn't really feeling any desire to drink alcohol! So I already had a taste of success.

So then I dug in deeper and started ordering a small (expensive!) jar of micronized, then, over time, some medium grinds. There are plenty of resources here for choosing what to order. And yet, I still felt no effects. So I read all I could about how long this whole reverse tolerance thing might take, including from the Kavapedia, and this poll. I started taking all the advice I found, which was mostly to make it stronger, fast for 4 hours or so, experiment with prep methods and types of kava, try every day, and don't give up! The only thing that discouraged me was reading that there may be a few people who never get over RT! But I've also read that there are some who take a full 2 months, and I'm not there yet. I'm starting my count from Mar 7, when I started with tinctures and liquid caps. If I go past 2 months, in order to be optimistic, I'll restart the count from when I started taking med grind, lol!

That almost covers my experience for the first 5 weeks or so. From here, I'll try to post at least daily, including my daily experiences and any thoughts I'd missed from the 1st 5 weeks. Bula!

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
what worked for me was after 2 months of RT despite daily drinking I think I read somewhere on the internet that kava could make you krunk and I liked the sound of that, so I determined to force the issue. I increased a little bit each day until I crossed the barrier. For me it took 4 TBS root in 2/3 cup liquid, using a blend 'n strain, and it definitely worked. Since then I don't need to push things hard. I can, or not, as I see fit. In fact I haven't gotten krunk per se since last July, haven't felt the need to. OTOH, I drink usually 2 or 3 litres a day of grog, sometimes even 4, and I always feel it, even after just a few sips, I always feel it and it always feels good. It was as if that bit of pushing the envelope was cathartic.


Kava Curious
I swear I wasn't fishing for advice, but Krunkie, you never fail to say something helpful! I like the idea of knowing what krunk is like, but I also love the idea of not feeling the need to. And I love the idea of not needing to spend as much time and money for enough to always feel it.

Another thought I had was that, although I want to be patient, I do feel a little anxious. Only because, if I never feel effects, I'm worried it might not be worth the time, effort and money, and I'll be tempted to drink more. But I'm gonna keep hope and now try this.


Kava Curious
Wow. Gross. I was barely able to squeeze anything out. It got all over my hands and I feel like a lot was wasted. Couldn't get a lot of it out of the blender either. So in a bit I'm going to rinse the blender into a bowl, through the bag and squeeze that out. My mouth is pretty good and numb though, so I'll wait and see. If this doesn't work, I'll try 6 Tbsp tomorrow.


Kava Curious
It's been about 1/2 hour and I definitely do feel more than I ever have before. But I've felt glimpses before and they're fleeting. So I'm hopeful, but still a little skeptical. I did rinse out the blender through the strainer bag and got a lot of what was still pretty strong stuff. I used Supreme, btw. Actually, as I sit here typing, rather than fleeting, it's increasing slightly! This could be it already! If not, as I say, I'll try again tomorrow with 6 Tbsp. It's not nearly what I would think would describe "krunk", and nothing has "washed over me", but nice!


Kava Curious
Dude! I'm in! I get it! @Krunkie McKrunkface, you're a genius! I was expecting to go the rest of the 2 months, and I was afraid, farther. Instead of fleeting, it did get stronger. This is awesome! People have also said that kava is much more subtle than alcohol, and some need to sit in a dark quiet room and concentrate to feel it. My life doesn't allow for that, I don't have that kind of time. But I didn't need that tonight! This is more subtle than alcohol, but I'm fine with that! I might not even try 6 Tbsp tomorrow, but I may still do 4 to make sure my breakthrough stays broken through, lol! I can't wait to sleep tonight! Wait, I can, I want some time to keep enjoying this! I'm also looking forward to the more long term benefits I've heard about. Thank you Krunkie!!

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
Dude! I'm in! I get it! @Krunkie McKrunkface, you're a genius! I was expecting to go the rest of the 2 months, and I was afraid, farther. Instead of fleeting, it did get stronger. This is awesome! People have also said that kava is much more subtle than alcohol, and some need to sit in a dark quiet room and concentrate to feel it. My life doesn't allow for that, I don't have that kind of time. But I didn't need that tonight! This is more subtle than alcohol, but I'm fine with that! I might not even try 6 Tbsp tomorrow, but I may still do 4 to make sure my breakthrough stays broken through, lol! I can't wait to sleep tonight! Wait, I can, I want some time to keep enjoying this! I'm also looking forward to the more long term benefits I've heard about. Thank you Krunkie!!
Bula! :)


Kava Curious
Thanks Paul! Ok, I've been fasting for 4 hours now and did the blend 'n strain with 4 Tbsp kava in 2/3 cup water again. Still gross. It always tastes a little like dirt, but this is the consistency of mud. So I used a bunch of ice and some Stevia. We'll see! Happy Friday everyone!


Kava Curious
Thanks Paul! Ok, I've been fasting for 4 hours now and did the blend 'n strain with 4 Tbsp kava in 2/3 cup water again. Still gross. It always tastes a little like dirt, but this is the consistency of mud. So I used a bunch of ice and some Stevia. We'll see! Happy Friday everyone!
Glad things are going well for you! Bula!

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Kava Curious
Thank you pallasathena! I'm not feeling it quite like last night, maybe because of what I used. But still nice and I now feel confident that the really strong, blend 'n strain was what did it. As long as I keep at it, I think this is the end of RT and the end of anything helpful I have to say right now. So enough about me, I'll only come back to this if I think I have something helpful to say or ask. Thanks again and have a great weekend everyone!

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
Thank you pallasathena! I'm not feeling it quite like last night, maybe because of what I used. But still nice and I now feel confident that the really strong, blend 'n strain was what did it. As long as I keep at it, I think this is the end of RT and the end of anything helpful I have to say right now. So enough about me, I'll only come back to this if I think I have something helpful to say or ask. Thanks again and have a great weekend everyone!
One tip with blend n strain, with that 4 TBS to 2/3 cup liquid (I would usually make that 2:1 water to coconut milk, helped with tat muddy flavour). I would put all in the blender or smoothie maker, either worked fine. I'd do. Fast blend for 10 seconds, wait 10 seconds, then a pulse of 20 to 30 seconds, then pause 10 seconds and a final blender pulse of 10 seconds. Then let it all sit in the blender for 10 minutes. Then strain and drink. That waiting is really important for potency. And then expect the kava to take 20 to 30 minutes to hit and should last about an hour. F you want more after that, then simply add 1 more tbs of medium grind to your wet makas from the last batch and do everything exactly the same way. And an hour later, if you add yet another 1 tbs you will get another strong shell, in fact they should all be about the same strength. And you could do the same one or in some cases two more times.


Kava Curious
So, I've been hitting it pretty hard every day since that break through, what with all the blending, etc. I've been wondering how long it takes after a breakthrough to start needing less, as people describe. I was afraid I'd go broke chasing small effects! I admit, I forgot about the waiting between blending and straining. I just blended and am waiting right now. In the meantime, I had a shell from a couple of aluballs. Maybe 2 shells, technically. And I'm feeling it more than I had been with this much, for sure. So maybe it's a gradual thing that's starting to kick in a little more? If so, I'm very excited! Just ordered a new root too. Best Fiji Lawena. It's all a blur to me so far, I don't know much about one from another. I'm looking forward to knowing a little more about which is which.

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
So, I've been hitting it pretty hard every day since that break through, what with all the blending, etc. I've been wondering how long it takes after a breakthrough to start needing less, as people describe. I was afraid I'd go broke chasing small effects! I admit, I forgot about the waiting between blending and straining. I just blended and am waiting right now. In the meantime, I had a shell from a couple of aluballs. Maybe 2 shells, technically. And I'm feeling it more than I had been with this much, for sure. So maybe it's a gradual thing that's starting to kick in a little more? If so, I'm very excited! Just ordered a new root too. Best Fiji Lawena. It's all a blur to me so far, I don't know much about one from another. I'm looking forward to knowing a little more about which is which.
You should be able to switch your prep most of the time to AluBall and up the water ratio, to 500 ml on that first wash to 4TBS of medium grind pretty much any time you see fit. The blend n’ strain is a nice option to have when nothing else quite does it.

I mainly use the best Fijian lawena for blending with other kavas, but I do like it and it is quite fine to drink by itself. Tastes great, nice smooth light krunk to it. It is not a very strong kava. Well enjoyable to drink, just not very strong. I usually get it in 5 or 10 pound lots. I drink a lot of it. :)

Ps glad you are enjoying kava now. It’s nice once you take that baby out on the freeway and see what can do.... it’s an adventure alright.