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Powdered Kava Review Malo Tonga


Kava aficionado
{"Grade":10,"Potency":10,"Mind":8,"Body":8,"Anxiety":10,"Sedative":6,"Taste":"10","Preparation":"2/3 cup to 500ml water","Duration":"Several hours","SideEffects":"none","Headline":"Wow! Amazing flavor and Potency."}
This is probably the first Tongan I tried that packs a punch and still tastes amazing. I can't believe how unlike kava this tastes, no peppery taste. It's creamy and super smooth. The closest taste to fresh kava, so far.

Effects are instant, it starts as a typical Tongan, with euphoria on the front end but unlike most I've tried, this one doesn't fall flat in the backend. It has a nice mellow/sedative quality as well.

The brew was also atypical in the sense that I was able to get 2 strong washes from 1 serving. Price point is perfect. I have no complaints.