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Micronized Kava Review Mapulehu


Kava Curious
:woot: I've been having this kava for the last few weeks before I start work in the afternoon. It's just perfect. Relaxes me enough that I can enjoy my day, stops my mind from worrying and sets me up nicely for a shell or two before bed. I can function perfectly while drinking this. I found one teaspoon was just right, two teaspoons made me a little more sleepy than I like, so for day time use I find using a little less is just great.
My next goal is to try mixing this in with my morning green juice that I make. The taste is so mild that I think it would be unnoticeable. Thanks for a great daytime kava Chris ( and the ease of use is just fantastic!)

Deleted User01

That's a good review. Mapulehu seems to have the right amount of sedation to mellow you out without putting you down. My favorite on "hair pulling" days.