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Medical Irony

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Friday Night/Saturday morning, after throwing up everything I had for dinner, I threw up some nasty black gritty stuff. I didn't think anything of it at the time, but Elizabeth II thinks it could be a bleeding ulcer (litterally bleeding, not slang), or liver issues.

So, either I have drunk too little kava to negate my stress to the point where I don't have a bloody bleeding ulcer, or I drank so much kava thay my liver threw up with my stomach.

Given the amount of stress I feel, I can accept the former. Given the amount of stress I'm under, I can also accept the latter.

I'll post info later.


Kava Enthusiast
How are you feeling, Prince Philip? Hope you are on the mend. Coffee ground vomit makes me instantly think upper GI bleeding/ulcer but there is a third possibility: That while you were sleepwalking you got into the trash, found and ate a bunch of old coffee grounds which obviously did not agree with you. I'll be the first to admit that this is pretty improbable, but certainly not impossible. I find it's always best to keep a positive outlook. :)

Keep us posted and get well soon!

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Actually, yes. My chiropractor asked me what I ate, and told me that I probably had a done a gall-bladder cleanse (a half-gallon of apple juice and a quarter pound of pepperoni, by the way), and had become ill by coincidence. Instead of the cleanse going out the normal end, my gall bladder's contents wound up in the toilet by way of mouth.

I do plan on seeing a "real" doctor... eventually. My experience with doctors and the paranormal make "Jacob's Ladder" look more and more like a documentary.