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Powdered Kava Review Melo Melo Kava

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
  • This is what I consider a "grassy" or "woody" tasting kava. Quite a depart from the usual Vanuatu kava flavor I'm used to. Not bad, but different. I'll admit, though, I'm a kava drinker that never gained the acquired taste required to be a true connoisseur of it's vast layers of mud, lidocoain, and river water flavor nuances. In short, I've never been "okay" with the taste of kava, it's just something I've learned to tolerate...and that's ok because kava does none of its magic for me while it's still in my shell. The best way of getting kava down, is the way you've come up with that works best for you.
  • This is a mostly balanced, but more weighted towards heady kava. Very potent. 4 Tablespoons was well plenty enough for my nightly kava made up in two aluballs. "Double ballin-it" I believe is the term used now (you heathens). What stood out to me most, and consequently has continued to as I've continued to drink it, is this kava's surprising anti-depressant effect for me.
  • When I drink this kava, I start talking. That's a welcomed effect. Haven't had that effect from kava in a long time. I go to bed happy, and laughing. Sleep comes instantly as always.
Overall, this is a great kava, and works perfectly in the aluball system. Highly recommend trying it.