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Mixed results from using Kava?


Kava Curious
So im lurking through the forums to find which Kava to finally order.
But one thing is confusing me... it seems that Kava doesnt give a reliable experience, no matter the blend.
Seems to be dependend on the current batch.

Is it like that or is it more a subtle thing, that you rather notice with lots of Kava experience?


Patently irritable
And even when you land on a blend you really like, the results can be iffy depending on mood, emptiness of stomach, etc. etc. Kava is a fickle mistress.


Kava Curious
Hm not sure if i like that. I usually need time to adjust to new things and im quite certain the first few Kava
experiments will give me anxiety. If i can not rely on the effects, its maybe not for me. Anyway, i ordered the instant powder
from GKE and will certainly try it. Though i dont even know if that one is heady or heavy... id certainly prefer the latter one.

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
You prefer heady or heavy?
And it's extremely reliable for anxiety relief. It's the recreational buzz that is more fickle.

Yeah harvests will effect the strain but kava plants are pretty huge and I haven't noticed a MASSIVE difference at all over time. Not to the point of being like woah what the hell it flipped .. never like that.

Like the moi this harvest we al noticed was a little more mellow. But it's still moi as I know it from before


Warm and Fuzzeh!
IMO, krunkin is pretty reliable. I think it more has to do with skewed up measurements, set and setting, and trying to be "edgy" by drinking shortly after eating.


Kava Curious
Ok no drinking after eating...

Id clearly prefer the more sedative effect, as im very sensitive for like coffein, makes me go crazy as im a natural nervous person. :)