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Instant Kava Review Mo’i - Instant


I like Mo'i
If someone could get Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama in a room together and give them this stuff, it would usher in a new era of world peace, and the GDP would skyrocket overnight.

Anyone who's new to Kava absolutely NEEDS to try Mo'i before they do anything else. Period.

The magic of Mo'i comes basically from two things: it is extremely anxiolytic, and absolutely NOT sedating.

To spell out why this is f***ing amazing, it means that you can drink this during the day, while at work, and keep being functional in the workplace. You're not going to be knocked out on your ass, nor will you start saying stupid things, nor will it prevent you from doing your job. It'll just... chill you out. It'll make you very, very relaxed, while you're still chugging along. It's the counterbalance to caffeine that you wish you had.

People pay lots of money to get prescribed benzodiazepenes that do the same thing, but are rather addictive and sometimes have some nasty side effects. If only kava were patentable, perhaps pharmaceutical companies would be more on top of it...

Kava, in general, is amazing. The reason that Mo'i gets elevated to "exceptional" status is the somewhat unique coupling of the above two qualities. I've had very sedating strains of Kava, which can be fun, but not really great for integration into every day life on a daily basis. I've also had some which give you a bit of a head buzz, but don't really do much to relieve anxiety. Mo'i is rather unique in that it puts the whole package together in just the right way.

In closing, if I ruled the world, I would sell Mo'i in stores all over the country, and I wouldn't even brand it as "Kava." I would brand it as "Mo'i." Bula!


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
Awesome review but sounds like a lot of palaver. I just mix instants in a small shaker bottle with 200 ml of milk and get great results. Also kava with no sedation isn't always what you want. Glad you have found a kava that works for you though :)