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Instant Kava Review Mo’i - Instant


Kava aficionado
{"Grade":10,"Potency":10,"Mind":10,"Body":2,"Anxiety":10,"Sedative":1,"Taste":"10","Preparation":"2 tbs to 1 cup of water.","Duration":"2-3 hours","SideEffects":"Thirst for more!","Headline":"Sight for sore eyes & mind!"}
This was my first introduction to real, noble kava, I had gone through RT for the previous 10 days or so on GAIA gel caps and still can remember how good that first intense rush of quality kavalactones felt, it was as if right then there my brain instantly connected on some deeper level and understood that it had been looking for this, this whole time.

I sat around bemused with a grin from ear to ear to a solid 3 hours as every worry or any other anxious thought just evaporated right before my krunked eyes.

If I could afford to, I'd drink it everyday.
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