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Instant Kava Review Mo'i


Do all things with love
If I had to use one word to describe this kava, it would be glorious (cue heavenly choir).

I found this instant to mix quickly and easily into the water, I add the kava to the water and then mix it by spinning a whisk between my hands.

Awa Mo'i Instant is especially nice as a breakfast kava, and on an empty stomach before a first meal is a great way to use just a tiny bit. I think this is pretty potent for an instant, and it's one I will buy again and again. Love it!
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Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
Great review, I am glad you like it. I get a lot of feedback that everyone likes the Moi instant the best, even on other forums and other places on the world wide web I see people talking about my instant Moi as being the best instant on the market bar none. Aloha.
