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Most Excelent quick initial reaction to Tongan

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Kava Enthusiast
First a thanks to Krunkie for sugesting this, I think I have a seperate post. But in full disclosure made it after a LOT of Pony and I haven't a clue how much Tongan
AKA Fiarly well comfortably Krunked in the felt very silly spacy and just great way. And my spelling is still disastrously bad.
Basically yesterday got a new bag of their current harvest of Tongan. This only the second time i've had it. The first time I made a few posts comenting it wasn't clicking well, and one complaining it clicked to well.
I think that was after I had the bright idea to try chuging easily 15-20 LARGE mugs of Tongan down over 10 minutes.
And a wiseman said: Dude that's WAY to much at once, when I had 5 Keyboards several monitors 3 beds and lots of Windows The problem for that time was I don't own anywhere neer that many of either of those and left the contents of the extra kava in my toilet and proceded to listen to Enya I think it was, before lights of any sort gave me a epic migrane, and every sound was like a Tuskan Raiding party hosting a Taiko Drum Trial in my head...

Thankfully at that time Dr.Krunk replied to my thread being concerned comenting that's a lot for anyone, and when I order again to blend and then strain small amounts, and quaf JUST the juice 25-30 minutes appart. A year latter that and soaking a large amount in a rubermaid in my fridge is now my prefered way.

FastForward to this current bag
I had by about 2 when the bag came probably 4-5 small shells of pony. And Tried first 1/2 TBS of the tongan in about not quite 2cups of water so as I can feel out what the current batch is like and tweak to taste.
The second time was a well rounded 1tbs of root blended in a bit over 1cup of water.Let that sit for a bit I think it was 30 minuts or so. I was chatting with friends, family and enjoying some nice relaxing music
The second time I simply lost count and thought I did 1.5 TBS of root in 1 cup of water. Turns out that was actually 3-4. The head rush was a bit uncomfortable and disorientating. That side of the experience I don't care to repeat.
However it did settle down after a bit to a pretty nice kind of place of being a bit (lots actually) spacy and enjoying a kind of congo tribal style music. I comented in a thread simillar to the OG YubNub Ewok song to the OG Orginal StarWars: The Jedi Return version.
After getting some funny movies and Retro Games with snacks set up...
ERMG that so hit the spot.

This current batch seems quite nice and I'll try out a bit more. I do like that it's sitting in my tummy a lot better than the Waka's i've had do. I suspect me and Waka's simply don't get along.
I tried 2tbs in a bit over 1.5 cups of water blended then strained this morning as that's how i've come to preffer roots I'm trying out before putting a bunch into a rubber storage jar to soak
So far? a lot---smoother than yesterdays Quaf trial. So far a most excelent sunday vibe going, complimenting some green and ginger tea I have very well. It's got a kind of a tingly feel like i'm streching out kind of thing. Not a bad feeling per se. I hadn't experience that side of Kava for what feels like quite a while

So thanks again Krunkie and BubaBula for some sugestions to try


Kava Enthusiast
ha, I've been wondering that!!! Seen it in a couple threads! Could it be Puoni + autocorrect?!?!
LoL yeah it's the joke name for Pouni on Reddit's Kava forums because AutoCorect turns it into Pony

As to where from:
Kalm With Kava Pouni Ono, I don't like this harvest as much as the one I had 2 years ago (?) someone else put it well as just not as 'clean' I suspect the next set of or two of bags will be better.
It may also include other farmers- Pouni that may well be just a bit different as well as needing a bit of fresh build up as well
Not nocking Pouni it's pretty good in it's own way still. I simply prefered the blend I had 2 years ago compared to this one.

Either way If you're curius Kalm With kava sells it.


Kava Enthusiast
Quick next day initial reaction: Yum!
I'm finding I prefer this like other Kavas after it's soaked in the fridge at least 20 minutes. Over night and a few days is even better.

So far just a nice centered but not distracted warmth if that makes sense

Feals "cleaner" than the Pouni Ono bag I have. I agree with others that both are nice. the Pouni just doesn't feel as clean, a bit rougher and not as smooth of effect. I have no idea why.
Trying out just about 4-5 ounces of this with about 4-5 ounces of Pouni mixed with hot green tea and honey. Soooo hitting the spot to start the day. I don't think I'd want to do much more then that of the KF Tongan durring the day because it does have a bit of 'stare off into space' and 'think funny ideas' thing, with it's warm summer days thing going.
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