Just a few thoughts: 1) the blog could help do this through reviews, but keep a personal diary. I would focus on the pre and post emotions, what you took, and how. You may learn something about Kava's effects that you maybe missed during administration. Personally, I often take Kava when I need it - which puts pressure on the user and the Kava. Try it when you are at an OK place (hopefully you can get yourself 'up' with either exercise, meditation music, etc.) and see if Kava can help you ride that wave; starting with emotional dark water is also asking Kava to hit a homerun and maybe a single or a double is both positive enough and how Kava helps. But a diary used at the time of administration gives you a good snapshot, and you can add anything else you would like. 2) A lot of talk can be defining if it is often about raw feelings (and I have them too) without improvement, but a trusted person who knows you well can tell you if you seem any different. I use the simple 'do I seem any different'. I usually take the stance that I just often do not know if something is helping, but from what I am told (concerning Kava), I am less repetitive, less down, less focused on negative feelings etc. Or, make yourself a personal survey (since you do know you I'm sure), and ask tailored questions to record and compare pre and post. But do remember that no behavioral product is as effective as that product along with steps to help one understand how and why they feel how they do, and then learning to effectively employing strategies to improve those feelings along with gaining the confidence that comes with 'I am in control'. 3) I too can get sick from Kava if frankly I overdo it, or if I make it the way I find it to be the most medicinal - which is simply downing too much and without tight straining. But the nausea is by far more powerful of a mood changer than Kava. Once you are sick, it is hard to enjoy it, but I seem to have a clearer head. But that is simply because I am focusing on solely not tossing and washing my Kava along with my clothes. A sick stomach trumps a relieved brain for how a person feels. 4) I have indeed found that a weaker prep is good enough. You may not feel that relief-magic you seek (well, I seek), but you will still feel better and you will probably not feel as icky (which is really important). 5) Lastly, rather than being turned off to Kava forever, give it a break. You may find that the break reveals that no damage has been done with giving Kava a try, and maybe with the good advice from senior member user of this Forum, you can tweak the Kava usage where it does help and is tolerated well. But do not feel worse if Kava does not agree with you. It happens. Good luck with things, and I really mean it! If life was a bowl of cherries I think most Kava users would try the cherries.