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nakamal diaries - a few notes on the port vila kava scene (with pics!)


New Zealand
Kava Vendor
I usually roll into Seaside at 10-11pm & the entire floor is just pure spit by then (uggh) ...the spit gets in between your toes if you only wear Jerusalem Cruisers as i do.

I generally use Seaside as my 'lower limit of grubbiness'. Bamboo Nakamal is a bit yitchy too. Im pretty cool with anything until i see the kava mixer go into the toilet & come out 5 mins later & not wash his hands & get straight back into mixing. Actually...thinking about it...i woulnt actually be happy even if he cut his friggin' hands off !

Sounds like you are making the most of your visit & getting to see a good range..champion mate.

Did you get to Sofies at all ? Its a big tidy place & the added bonus of opening at 2pm. Ronnies is ok too but i cant handle their kava, its the only place that i can start there, not go there later.
Thanks mate! I didn't go to Sofies because every time I wanted to go there people would be telling me that on that particular day it only served left over kava.. :(
The best day of my trip was the NYE when all nakamals got extra supplies of fresh root and where everybody was drinking kava until the middle of the night. Crazy.

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Thanks mate! I didn't go to Sofies because every time I wanted to go there people would be telling me that on that particular day it only served left over kava.. :(
The best day of my trip was the NYE when all nakamals got extra supplies of fresh root and where everybody was drinking kava until the middle of the night. Crazy.
Ive never noticed that with Sofies but really im no real benchmark as long as its not too bitter & its strong. When do you leave ?


New Zealand
Kava Vendor
Down town Port Vila


A nice little beach in northern Efate (right next to mineral springs)


A massive banyan tree by the Chief's nakamal

Thanks mate! I didn't go to Sofies because every time I wanted to go there people would be telling me that on that particular day it only served left over kava.. :(
The best day of my trip was the NYE when all nakamals got extra supplies of fresh root and where everybody was drinking kava until the middle of the night. Crazy.
I hated Sophies Kava, always made me want to puke, it was warm, was too dark and had bits and pieces floating in the shell/bowl, never liked that Kava but it was a nice spot. I don't think that Shefa Nakamal was there when I was over, can't remember seeing it or hearing about it.


New Zealand
Kava Vendor
From what I've heard, most of the nakamals described in this thread have been severely damaged. A friend of mine told me that Shefa might have taken a particularly big hit as it's quite exposed. Naturally, this is nothing compared to the tragedy of the ordinary people losing their homes, crops ,etc. but it's yet another terrible outcome of this calamity.
The only good thing is that most nakamals are just heaps of random pieces of wood, so they won't be difficult to rebuild. Unfortunately, it seems that their owners and employees might have lost all their earthly possessions, homes and even lives in this tragedy... :(