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Powdered Kava Review Nambawan


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
This is my second go at Nambawan and I thought I would type up a review. I've tried it before, but the last time I had it I mixed it with a bunch of different kavas. Everyone raves about Nambawan, so I thought I'd make a big batch of just plain Nambawan.

The first thing you notice about Nambawan is that it has an interesting smell and texture. The smell is sort of soapy and mild, the texture is very clumpy unlike any powdered root kava I've had before. The grind is a little finer than I would like but not incredibly so. The taste is unpleasant but not particularly strong.

According to Judd, the exporters of this kava have a unique treatment process that they are very secretive about. That may explain the texture as well as its potency.

Moving on to the actual effects of Nambawan, this kava is POTENT in all capital letters. It is a blend of boroguru, melomelo and other kavas, but I doubt you could order those kavas, mix them together, and get the same effect, certainly not with the same amounts.

Despite the potency, nambawan is a very even keeled experience compared to other heavy hitters like BKH Koniak and N@H Stone. A nice head and body buzz as well as a sense of peace settle in very quickly and don't leave for quite a while. In my mind, this is the ideal 'general relaxation' kava. While people may find certain strains of kava more effective for medicinal purposes (and therefore more cost effective), Nambawan is almost certainly worth a shot. I plan on keeping it on hand in the future.

edit: update: Did I mention this kava is potent? I felt like I didn't get quite where I wanted to be last night, so I used a heaping 1/2 cup instead of a level 1/2 cup and threw in a tbsp of boroguru and melomelo for good measure. My head is swimming.
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Deleted User01

Well done KavaDude. You have certainly piqued my interest in Nambawan.