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Micronized Kava Review Nene


Deleted User01

Ok, the rating above cannot describe the New Nene. It is a single trick Pony, it's a horse tranquilizer.

So its 2:30 and I prepare by drink for sipping during the day. The Nene is almost White in color and I like that feature for mixing. Lots of calls to take, employee on vacation. My first reaction is that is has a little more Kavain than the older release. Slight ringing of the ears so I thought, hmmm, a balanced Kava. Then after an hour, I lost concentration. I'm supposed to be working out a software mess and I'm staring at the screen with a blank expression. I snap out of it and say, "Oh Sh__". The calls are piling up and I'm doing my best. I ask myself, "why are you losing patience", the answer is "you want to go to bed now". This Kava made me feel very, very tired. After work, I started to water the plants but gave up. I usually help my wife with supper but instead I went and sat down on the recliner and closed my eyes. Then I asked my wife, "are we walking". Yes ... (Awww fudge!). Luckily my legs know the routine but it was a struggle. Fast forward to bedtime. I retired early for various reasons including Nene. When I hit the sack, I felt like a huge dead weight that was glued to the mattress. Now that felt good and I slept good. The alarm woke me and I accidently knocked over the backup alarm. Not to worry, coffee and a shower heals everything.
I emailed Chris about 5 in the AM. "What is up with this Nene and is this the same Nene for sale on your site"? I have to ask this since I'm reviewing. He has sent out samples of his mad farmer experiments in the past. Here is the reply that awaited me after my shower:
"Hi Deleted User01, I hope that you liked the Nene, it is like I said, the best I have grown so far. Nene is the kava that we planted in the Lope Ola Project at the Hawaiian Emerson school where I taught about kava. It has the potential to get very big if you take care of it and now I can get it very potent too. I know in Hawaiian History it was given to children that were restless and maybe a few other things, I will try to get the exact info on that in the morning. This is just one awa that has one of the best potentials for getting big and potent. Compared to the other Hawaiian kava, this is one of the fastest growing ones. Also the nene looks a lot like the Samoan kava called Ava Lea and that is one of Samoa's best kava's. Talk to you later. Aloha"

Now I need to know if that Nene is for sale. More ... I had to take my wife to the grocery store before lunch, I usually circle the parking lot while she shops but not this time. I didn't feel like I'm in my 5 senses. This is NOT a daytime Kava. This is not a sleep enhancer, it is a sleep inducer. Do not drive a Vehicle or operate heavy equipment if you drink this Nene. I highly recommend that you put on your Pajamas before you drink your Nene. Sleep dreams .....

P.S. Today is not a Kava Day, however I'm going to try Nene again but not during the day. I'll do some Hanapaki'Ai in the afternoon. I'm going to try to eat early and take a dose about an hour before bedtime. I reserve the right to edit the review above if I get different results. I just have to make sure that my reaction wasn't an anomaly.

Deleted User01

It's not Nene Powdered. Its Nene Micronized.

Another thing. You guys that don't feel comfortable assigning numbers to everything, don't fret, neither do I. Get on here and just tell us in plain language what you liked about your Kava. Don't be afraid that your reviews are not worthy. That's BS. Just tell us how you feel. Nuff said.
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Bula To Eternity
It's not Nene Powdered. Its Nene Micronized.

Another thing. You guys that don't feel comfortable assigning numbers to everything, don't fret, neither do I. Get on here and just tell us in plain language what you liked about your Kava. Don't be afraid that your reviews are not worthy. That's BS. Just tell us how you feel. Nuff said.
Great Review!!! You did it and I'm proud of you for it. (y)
If there is a product you are reviewing that is not on the list, then pick "Unlisted Item" and it will let you add the correct one. I went ahead and did that for you so it correctly shows Micronized (instead of powdered).

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
Hey, Deleted User01, I am glad you like the 'Awa Nene. I thought I warned you about it but I guess I forgot.:banghead: I must have been under the influence of Nene. :) You know ever since I first tried this Nene after I harvested and processed it, I have been drinking it every night. Right now this is my favorite but I always reserve the right to change my favorite at any time, after any new harvest.
Truthfully that is what I like about kava, all the different varieties will give you different effects, some are small differences and some are big.
That is what was so exciting too when I would go out into the Hawaiian forest to look for unknown 'Awa. I would wonder what effect does this one have and what will that one have, too bad I had to wait for about 3-4 years to find out because I only take cuttings from the wild Hawaiian 'Awa.
But really, the 'Awa Nene has surprised me again and again. It is the biggest plant that I grew in the shortest time and it has become the strongest and most potent Nene that regular Awa drinkers here in Hawaii have ever had. One told me quote "It was stellar" and coming from this kava expert it was a true compliment.
I actually have plenty of this 'Awa because the plant was so big at 4 years old, I had 328 lbs of fresh kava after cleaning. It's the good stuff.(y)


Deleted User01

I hear ya, like I told Kapm, I'm testing it again tonite. I never had a Kava that was an outright tranquilizer on such a heavy scale. If it has the same effect tonight, then I'm going to hoard it. It is very unique but not for daytime use. More on the results tomorrow ...

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Good lord. 328 lbs from one plant? What does that amount end up weighing dry?


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
I think it was something like 5-to-1...fresh to dry. So, about 65 lbs of powder from 1 plant, nice yield. (if i got that right:bookworm:). If the demand were high enough and steady enough...$2,000-3,000 per plant, sounds pretty nice.

Deleted User01

If you guys remember some of Chris's blogs concerning Wild 'Awa as big as a full length pickup then you would understand why they had so much trouble with thieves. One plant will keep the whole neighborhood in Kava for at least a year. Hell, the minute Shakas puts a foot in Hawaii, they automatically put a restraining order on him. Just for good measure.:ROFLMAO:

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
I think it was something like 5-to-1...fresh to dry. So, about 65 lbs of powder from 1 plant, nice yield. (if i got that right:bookworm:). If the demand were high enough and steady enough...$2,000-3,000 per plant, sounds pretty nice.
Yes Shakas, you are correct, it takes on average 5 pounds of wet root to make 1 pound of dry root. Aloha.


Deleted User01

And I'm back .... Well I confirm that the new Nene is the real deal for sleep. The best thing I ever for sleep. I took a heaping spoon in a glass with some leftover club soda. Stir and chug. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it is somewhat of a creeper. Like a good halfback, it fakes left and gives me a faint Kavain buzz, then it zigs right and I lose concentration. Then I switch from audiobook to music and watch the pretty colors on the TV (on mute). Slept like a log. I normally take 30 minute naps after lunch and I have noticed that my eyes won't close if I "slept like a log" the previous night. Anyone else ever experienced this? I can't wait for the rest of you to the Nene and review it. Remember, this is not a daytime Kava. At least for me it's not.


Kava Padawan
Yeh, I'll second that ^ the Nene put me in an interesting state one afternoon after only maybe not even a teaspoon of micronized. Powerful root! I drank some in the evening and slept so well that night. I might dig into some later this evening I'm not sleeping last night and probably tonight unless I take action. stressed out over family issues ugh. Gotta love 'em but they're crazy :wacky: Anyway between my 1.5 bottles of Kalm with Kava today, some early evening Fu'u and a Nene Nightcap :sleep:, I should get enough rest to make it through the work day tomorrow.

Deleted User01

Tidyminion, you keep posting that you have a teaspoon here and there. Sounds like you take a "tad" here and there for a pick me up. Sounds like an idea to me. A little mood enhancer as needed.


Kava Padawan
Tidyminion, you keep posting that you have a teaspoon here and there. Sounds like you take a "tad" here and there for a pick me up. Sounds like an idea to me. A little mood enhancer as needed.
Yeh that's how I'm using Micronized since it's so easy to prepare. I'll stir in a teaspoon or 2 during the work day to blunt the edge of any anxiety that may creep up. Normal things like answering phones all day can really get to me so that definitely helps and is a small kick start to my evening kava drinking. I'm still not settled on a easy, light work day kava yet though, Micro Moi is my to go kava lately but I've really been enjoying this Fu'u concentrate (9 tbsp/16 oz water) I made recently. I may have discovered the proper use of Fu'u (for me at least) it's been a brilliant daytime kava recently.

Also, drank some leftover Nene last night as a sleep test and I slept well again. I was really stressed and really tired woke up once maybe twice but got back to sleep so easy and feel pretty rested this morning. Got out of bed without feeling sluggish compared to some days.

Deleted User01

I told Shakas the other day that I was going to take my nitecap, lay on the couch, and listen to my favorite Doobie Brothers song, "Listen to the Kava".
Well I have a new song. After an hour of laying on the couch, I get up and go the bedroom, and then I play my other favorite Kava song:
Ne Ne Ne Ne, Ne Ne Ne Ne, hey hey .... Good Night!


Kava Enthusiast
Tidyminion, you keep posting that you have a teaspoon here and there. Sounds like you take a "tad" here and there for a pick me up. Sounds like an idea to me. A little mood enhancer as needed.
I envy the control.....I guess I can't get no satisfaction. I prefer the 8 tbs bowl as a good pick me' upper :)

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