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New 11 Year Waka (Micronized)

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Kava Curious
After 5 more days of drinking 11 year:

- Less alcohol feeling
- Nausea is nonexistent
- It's especially good for marathon sessions late into the morning
- It's comfortable
- More nostalgia
- More time slowdown - time doesn't "fly"
- Feeling good
- Somewhat stimulating (better memory recollection)
- Vivid dreams if taken right before bed

I also get more thoughts that kava is more of a cure than a drug. Unrelated, I also drank a batch of fiji waka from bestfijikava and it put me to sleep. I intended to drink it in the same session as the 11 year, but that never happened. I'll try half a batch.
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Kava Enthusiast
thank you! and sorry if you'd already answered that question a bunch here on the forum


Hi everyone, I am fairly new to kava excluding some capsules and tinctures from the health food store years ago. Recently purchased the Instant Kava from Bula Kava but didn't find the results to be that powerful or long lasting, and when I increased dosage, the effects were on the unpleasant side — anxiousness, etc. I then emailed Bula Kava with questions about the Waka Kava over a week ago to inquire about the 11 year Waka, which I decided to purchase hoping the results would be stronger despite never having received a reply to my email. The Waka 11 year arrived in the mail yesterday, and I took in total 3 Tbsp over a few hours, the first tablespoon with 6 oz. water, a half tablespoon with 4 oz water 20 minutes later prior to eating, and the subsequent tablespoon and a half dosage post-meal. I simply mixed the powder directly into the water. The effects were nowhere near as intense as I hoped, and in fact, the effects were rather unpleasant after the first dose. Wondering if ill effects are related to empty stomach? I experienced hot flashes and anxiety, as with the instant, but I did feel effects closer to euphoria after taking my second dose after dinner. However, the euphoric effects simply don't match the reviews on the Bula Kava website of this particular kava. Wondering if I am doing anything wrong in terms of timing of my dosage (in terms eating) or in the amount of dosage. Should I have drank all three tablespoons before dinner spread our over an hour? Or, is this kava possibly not the kava for me? I did feel like I wanted to keep drinking more after dinner to achieve a more intense euphoria, but I felt like I never really reached a peak level of relaxation, bliss, whatever. .. I feel that because of my relative inexperience with kava, as well as my petite stature (I am a 114 pound, 5'4" female) that I would have had desirable effects from a much smaller dose than three Tbsp. Additionally, there was a great deal of separation and sediment i noticed, as I split my second dose into two parts that I drank within 15 minutes of each other. Is this normal? Thank you; any insight would be helpful and most appreciated.


Patently irritable
I find I get the best results when I take kava on a completely empty stomach. And I've had really good euphoria from the 11-year.
I think the 1 tbsp in 6 oz water is fine. From there I would wait 20-30 min to see how you feel--if you're not quite there yet, do it again. Wait 20-30 min and see if you need more. Once you're where you want to be, STOP. You don't want to overdo it. And this would be a good time eat--for some folks, eating enhances the experience.
You will find a great amount of separation/sediment-I usually mix mine in a water bottle and shake it before each swig. Some 11-year had some fibrous matter in it--I usually run mine through a strainer before mixing it up.
Lastly, some folks experience reverse tolerance--that's a period of time before you experience full kava effects. It's also another good reason to take it slow.
Welcome to the forum!


Kava Curious
Love this 11 Year Waka...it's my favorite late in the evening these days although as mentioned up thread it can definitely lead to seriously vivid and strange (not unpleasant) dreams at night!

Yesterday I mixed some up before heading out to a Doobie Brothers/Steve Miller Band concert...talk about flying like an eagle...


Kava Curious
I am looking forward to trying out this 11 year waka sounds like one of the most unique kava powders out there right now.


Kava Curious
This is gonna be my first kava ever I order 2 days ago. From all the reviews they sound great I'm just waiting with anticipation


Kava Lover
Alright, So I haven't had kava in about two years and last night I opened a packet of this 11 year waka.

I only used a table spoon mixed with a cup of warm water. Very easy to drink. Slower effects, but very pleasant head buzz that tapered over an hour into a nice, pleasant sedation. I was sitting next to my wife in the low light of the Christmas tree giving everything a halo glow. She was slowly eating an apple, which sounded absolutely amazing and made me giddy. No stomach discomfort, no anxiety. Slept like a rock, no hangover, just a pleasant mellowness with a bit of harmless brain fog in the morning.

Great kava. I had never tried the micro's back in the day... but I really appreciate their ease of use. One difference I noticed with this kava compared to the course powders I used in the past was the lessened diuretic effect. When I would drink a lot of kava in the past, I would be up half the night "draining my tanoa" so to speak... This one didn't do that at all.


Kava Curious
It's sold out!!!!!!!!!!! Noooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any word on stock replenishment? I knew I should have ordered on BF but I figured I had enough for a bit... WRONG, lol. :(


Kava Enthusiast
I am distraught! I had my first bag of the 11 year waka micronized. It was truly a great experience for me. I just went to order some more, and it is SOLD OUT! Guess I'll just have to relish what I have left.:arghh:
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