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New to Kava. Suggested cultivar?


Kava Curious
Hi all. I'm new to kava. I've tried the Fire Island Instant from N@H. I'm looking for something that I can drink during the week. Strong is fine so long as I'm still able to function, just don't want repercussions the following morning. Of note, I do currently share a studio apartment with my fiance. Noise from the television is unavoidable in the evenings. If a particular cultivar might make that unpleasant then it's probably not what I'm looking for at this time.

Thanks for your help!


Kava Enthusiast

Well Soloman islands kava is strong but dosent really disrupt your ability to function, just makes everything you do fun :)

Black sand might be a good place to start, very mild but very pleasant. I started with black sand and really enjoyed it, but if you want something stronger, Soloman islands is your choice. Stone is the best weekend grade from N@H, but you can feel it when you wake up untill you have had your coffee. Cheif jungle is out of the question, you just wont want to get up the next day. Id recommend Soloman or Black Sand to start with. Also check here for kava reviews to see what the kavasseur has thought about several varietys http://kavasseur.blogspot.com/



Kava Curious
Thanks for the advice. I went ahead and purchased Solomon's Island kava from N@H. It looks like a lot of people are going with a 2.5:1 instead of 2:1 ratio of water to kava because of the strength, which should stretch it out. I've also seen it mentioned that the kava root can be re-brewed at about 75% strength. What's the best way to keep the once-used root?

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
I've been making Kava for years, and I've just recently found the sweet spot for brewing it. Believe me, it will save you anguish and money if you follow these simple directions:

For strong Kava - 2 tbsp for each cup of water. Brew two cups of water (8 tbsp of kava) for each krunking session. This is plenty strong. (Nakamal at Home's kava making instructions are really pretty wasteful, in my opinion. You'll burn through your kava really fast if you follow them. 1 cup of kava to 2 cups of water is just crazy, looking back on my years of muddy kava brewing. That being said, I do think that recipe is appropriate for Chief's Jungle, which isn't a finely ground blend). Make sure to add a pinch of soy lecithin to the dried kava root. Knead it thoroughly in the water for at least 10 minutes, or until the sieve no longer has a "greasy" feeling.

For a weekday night - 1 tbsp for each cup of water. Same instructions as above with the soy lecithin. Squeeze until it's not greasy.

Remember, if none of these recipes work for you, you can always try out the crazy 2:1 ratios some people live by. I, for one, wish I could reclaim all the wasted Kava I went through following that rule of thumb.

As far as re-using roots, you really shouldn't have to. A bag of Kava lasts an impressive amount of time if you use the instructions above. Once you've squeezed it until there is nothing left but dried pulpy root, you have gotten everything out of it. The soy lecithin bonds to the kavalactones and sucks out all of their life.

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
I have to re-write my suggested brewing method on Kavasseur. That one closely followed my old method, but ever since I tried Kava by Rex's method (which I described here) it seems to work for everything so much better.

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
My old recipe (the one on Kavasseur) was 1 cup of kava to 4 cups of water. That's 4 tablespoons of Kava for each cup of water! That's way too much.


Kava Enthusiast
Good choice on solomon islands! Thats hands down my favorite from [email protected] mind buzzing and euphoric. Great way to end your day. Half a cup to 3 cups is more than enough of this stuff. Happy to see more and more people getting interested in kava.


Kava Enthusiast
And yea ive noticed that 1/2 cup to 3 cups and 1 full cup to 3 cups pretty much produce the same effects, they probably just tell you to put a full cup so you run out quicker and have to fork over more money..


Kava Enthusiast
Another great vendor is kava by rex, there are a couple reviews up. When Vanuatu3 comes back in, id recommend getting it. It is excellent.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Vanuatu Kava Store is having a sale, last time I looked, on their own instant kava, which is comparable to Fire Island. Of all the kava I've experienced, the best one for light/noise/people etc. is Fire Island. Anything else and a TV in the other room runs the risk of "killing the kava."


Kava Curious
The Solomon Islands kava from N@H arrived today. Made 2 cups with 2 tbsp of kava and a pinch of soy lecithin. Stronger than the Fire Island kava and I don't have the same issues with nausea. I don't know why people don't like the taste. At least in the case of SI I thought it was delicious. Reminded me of halvah only in liquid form. Prep was much easier than I'd expected too. The heavier effects are mostly gone but I still feel very relaxed.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I just had some to. I don't find the taste particularly offensive either.

It's good with chocolate/ vanilla ice cream swirl to, ha.


Kava Curious
No such dark room when sharing a small studio apartment. :p But yeah, I just wore an eye mask. If the noise became a concern I think I'd probably opt for ear plugs. I prefer silence to music most of the time. Ahhh the cessation of sensation.


Kava Enthusiast
Drinking Soloman right now....................LOVE IT. Im happy you enjoy your solomans, its the best of the best in my opinion!



Kava Curious
Thank you for sharing this!  I used 2 tbsp tonight as I like a strong shell of Solomon (I was using a half a cup of kava per 2 cups of water).  It is doing the job just fine.  You have just saved me a lot of money.  Bula to you, sir.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
After making up two cups (16 ounces) of Tongan Pride kava, and drinking it all, I am making a half-gallon of the stuff. I LOVE TONGAN!

Everyone, probably, has a kava that effects them the way no other kava does. For VesuvioCat, it's Solomon (a league of its own). For me, it's Tongan. Except for a pound of Fijian I regret, I never met a kava I didn't like. But Tongan has almost gotten me monogamous with how much I love it. It is like drinking a liquid massage. It also makes me hyper-happy. Maybe a little mellow in terms of not being stressed, but happy smiling bouncing off the walls happy.

Of course, as Kastom demands, I'll be drinking Vanuatu for my 90th birthday this August, and expect you all to as well.

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
I prefer Tongan to Solomon as well, at least for weekday nights. I made a huge bowl of Solomon Kava last night using 1/2 cup to 1/2 gallon and got about 8 people krunk. It was quite impressive. The Kava was a major part of the party. Tongan and Fijian Kavas are my favorite. If you haven't liked Fijian kavas in the past, please do try Pacific Kava.