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Kava Preparation Newbie..... question!!


Hi all!!!!! I bought from Kava Time....Kavanana.....it is an instant with a hint of banana flavor. I mix it with La Croix Pineapple strawberry flavor;) (seltzer water) a squeeze of fresh lime and a packet of Splenda.... just wanting to make sure that the carbonation from the seltzer water and or the acidity of the lime will not interact with the Kava. Sorry if this is a silly question :) hope not cuz it is yummy!!!!!

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Both carbonation and citric acid from fruit juice go fine with kava. The main thing is you enjoy the drink, so go for it!
But do you know if lowering the ph of the water (which is what happens when many juices are used) helps or hurts the effects of Kava? I have a little experience with K@ and it definitely makes it more potent. Thanks

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
I don't believe anyone has found any effect one way or another that juices have with kava, other than removing the taste of kava, and from increasing hydration and providing a few extra calories, which might be needed for hard core kava drinkers who don't eat much.


I don't believe anyone has found any effect one way or another that juices have with kava, other than removing the taste of kava, and from increasing hydration and providing a few extra calories, which might be needed for hard core kava drinkers who don't eat much.
Thank you. That's a big help