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kl.Gray Owl

Kava Enthusiast
Prince Philip said:
I have a horrible reaction to SSRI's. I think most people do, but maybe mine really is worse. They give me headaches as they wear off, and not normal headaches. If you look up "brain zaps," I think that's the best way to describe them. I've also been prescribed barbituates to stop me from having excessive flight-or-fight-or-kill reactions.

What actually WORKS for me is opiates. Vicodin makes me a better person. It's not an uncommon reaction, either, from what I've researched. However, no doctor is going to prescribe an opioid for stress and depression. It's a flaw in the system.

I searched for a while for "herbal Vicodin," but this was before K@ hit the English-speaking world. When I discovered that kava was exactly what I was looking for, I tried to find out how to contact the person who's experience mirrored mine who, but who was told to go on SSRI's on answers.com... and found nothing but K@ ads.

Although I've been tempted, I've never tried K@. I guess it's too much D.A.R.E. (Drugs Are Really Expensive) propaganda.

For actual pain, I have medicated with kava post-op once. I found that taking a shell every hour on the hour kept the pain at bay pretty well. I still needed a prescription pain killer to stay asleep, though, and did go through the entire bottle and then some due to the intensity of the pain.

Kava is a chemopreventative for colon cancer.
I've read some horror stories about K@ it is a mu-opioid agonist and definitely addictive.  I like to take a low dose of Maeng Da that has not been extracted at bed time and it gives me vivid dreams, like 1/2 g up to 1 g and I don't boil the piss out of it contrary to the usual method, to me it tastes a lot like Japanese matcha that grassy sort of taste, but I enjoy that.