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One of the nicest Kava descriptions I've ever read (from 1927)...


Kava Enthusiast
Stumbled upon this recently and wanted to share it here. From a scientific evaluation of Kava performed by pharmacologist Louis Lewin. Here's the description he wrote in 1927:

"When the mixture is not too strong, the subject attains a state of happy unconcern, well-being and contentment, free of physical or psychological excitement. At the beginning, conversation comes in a gentle, easy flow and hearing and sight are honed, becoming able to perceive subtle shades of sound and vision. Kava soothes temperaments. The drinker never becomes angry, unpleasant, quarrelsome or noisy, as happens with alcohol. Both natives and whites consider kava as a means of easing moral discomfort. The drinker remains master of his consciousness and his reason. When consumption is excessive, however, the limbs become tired, the muscles seem no longer to respond to the orders and control of the mind, walking becomes slow and unsteady and the drinker looks partially inebriated. He feels the need to lie down. He is overcome by somnolence and finally drifts off to sleep."



'Awa Grower/Collector
Stumbled upon this recently and wanted to share it here. From a scientific evaluation of Kava performed by pharmacologist Louis Lewin. Here's the description he wrote in 1927:

"When the mixture is not too strong, the subject attains a state of happy unconcern, well-being and contentment, free of physical or psychological excitement. At the beginning, conversation comes in a gentle, easy flow and hearing and sight are honed, becoming able to perceive subtle shades of sound and vision. Kava soothes temperaments. The drinker never becomes angry, unpleasant, quarrelsome or noisy, as happens with alcohol. Both natives and whites consider kava as a means of easing moral discomfort. The drinker remains master of his consciousness and his reason. When consumption is excessive, however, the limbs become tired, the muscles seem no longer to respond to the orders and control of the mind, walking becomes slow and unsteady and the drinker looks partially inebriated. He feels the need to lie down. He is overcome by somnolence and finally drifts off to sleep."
That has always been my favorite kava-quote! Thank you for bringing it up here. Another excellent one is Gregory in 1988- "Kava seizes one's mind. This is not a literal seizure, but something does change in the processes by which information enters, is retrieved, or leads to actions as a result. ... a greater sense of being and contentment with being". And finally- Lebot's --"The remarkable medicinal properties and soothing effects of kava have been part of the wisdom of Pacific Islanders for centuries".
Kava has been described as "...one of the classic enigmas of Oceanic ethnobotany...endemic to this vast area of scattered islands and growing nowhere else ".


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
I like this poetic 1919 description a lot:
"...The orchestra of nature began a symphony of celestial sounds. The rustling of the palm-leaves, the purling of the brook, and the song of the komoko, nightingale of the Marquesas, mingled in music sweeter to my kava-ravished ears than ever the harp of Apollo upon Mount Olympus. The chants of the natives were a choir of voices melodious beyond human imaginings. Life was good to its innermost core; there was no struggle, no pain, only an eternal harmony of joy."

Full quote & story here: https://kavaforums.com/forum/threads/kivi-the-kava-drinker-big-pimpin-kava-style.3787


Kava Enthusiast
The best description I have heard of kava is by the Kavasseur. He described it as "Blurring the edges of life."