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Other People's General Kava Experiences


Kava Curious
Hi All, I have been a long time on again off again Kava consumer. When I consume kava it is typically micronised Borongoru by KWK. I typically mix 5 TABLESPOONS (not teaspoons) at once with water and chug it. This has really only been they way I can experience the euphoric effects I'm looking for. Anyways the days following my overall well being seems to be at a lower level and it takes about 5 days to get back to my baseline. I also have bi polar and major depressive disorder. Can anyone relate to the days following kava use? Also can anyone recommend a kava that may not do this to me?


Kava aficionado
Hi All, I have been a long time on again off again Kava consumer. When I consume kava it is typically micronised Borongoru by KWK. I typically mix 5 TABLESPOONS (not teaspoons) at once with water and chug it. This has really only been they way I can experience the euphoric effects I'm looking for. Anyways the days following my overall well being seems to be at a lower level and it takes about 5 days to get back to my baseline. I also have bi polar and major depressive disorder. Can anyone relate to the days following kava use? Also can anyone recommend a kava that may not do this to me?
I can't relate because I do not drink micro, you are adding a bunch of unnecessary fiber, try medium grind and make it stronger with multiple washes. Use a blender to mix it and knead a couple minutes after.


Kava Curious
I can't relate because I do not drink micro, you are adding a bunch of unnecessary fiber, try medium grind and make it stronger with multiple washes. Use a blender to mix it and knead a couple minutes after.
Thank you for your response. I'm going to try your suggestion and see if it helps. I love kava but it's hard to handle the days following drinking it. Can you please elaborate a bit more for me? Do I blend it before I do the initial wash? Or do I knead it, then blend and then knead again? Do I knead it in the same bowl with the same water after blending or use fresh water and the combine the two of them? Your insight is much appreciated.


Kava aficionado
Thank you for your response. I'm going to try your suggestion and see if it helps. I love kava but it's hard to handle the days following drinking it. Can you please elaborate a bit more for me? Do I blend it before I do the initial wash? Or do I knead it, then blend and then knead again? Do I knead it in the same bowl with the same water after blending or use fresh water and the combine the two of them? Your insight is much appreciated.

1. Measure out 1/3 or 1/2 cup of medium and put it in a blender. (any blender, mine is from Walmart, paid twenty bucks).
2. Add a liter of water to start, you can adjust as you go for strength, by adding more or less water, use room temp water. On the cooler side.
3. Blend on the lowest setting for a couple minutes.
4. pour mix from the blender through a 75 micron bag (easy to find on Amazon). Most of us use a 75 micron, but for your purposes, get a 150 instead, again, adjust as needed, but don't go larger then 200 micron.
5. Knead by hand (wear nitrile gloves, if you don't want your hands to look dry and old lol) knead for 2-3 more minutes after the pour through from the blender, be sure to squeeze the bag thoroughly and enjoy!

It sounds complicated but it takes 5-7 minutes, tops! repeat the steps above for 2nd, 3rd, 4th washes and so on, most mediums will get you 2-3 solid washes, just by adding more water, but you can always do what I do and add a little extra powder on the next go round and it might be better than that first ;)



Kava Curious

1. Measure out 1/3 or 1/2 cup of medium and put it in a blender. (any blender, mine is from Walmart, paid twenty bucks).
2. Add a liter of water to start, you can adjust as you go for strength, by adding more or less water, use room temp water. On the cooler side.
3. Blend on the lowest setting for a couple minutes.
4. pour mix from the blender through a 75 micron bag (easy to find on Amazon). Most of us use a 75 micron, but for your purposes, get a 150 instead, again, adjust as needed, but don't go larger then 200 micron.
5. Knead by hand (wear nitrile gloves, if you don't want your hands to look dry and old lol) knead for 2-3 more minutes after the pour through from the blender, be sure to squeeze the bag thoroughly and enjoy!

It sounds complicated but it takes 5-7 minutes, tops! repeat the steps above for 2nd, 3rd, 4th washes and so on, most mediums will get you 2-3 solid washes, just by adding more water, but you can always do what I do and add a little extra powder on the next go round and it might be better than that first ;)

Thank you for the in depth explanation. I went ahead and ordered some medium grind from KWK. I will give the process a try and let you know how it goes. Thank you again friend!