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Micronized Kava Review Pana'ewa


Kava Lover
I ordered the promo from a few weeks ago that had 2 micros and 2 mediums. One of those medium grinds was supposedly the Pana'ewa. I have put it off until now because the micros are sooooo awesome and I've been lazy. Anywho, I opened the pana today after work to get a soak and knead going. Much to my surprise this appeared to actually be a micronized! I think our friend Chris may have mispackaged or labeled this product as it is as fine as the other micros. Compared to my medium boroguru this is like pixie dust! It's much finer than Fu'u from BKH which is by far the finest non micro I've seen! So maybe I'm just blessed with his mess up.

Either way, didn't really expect a huge effect going in as reviews leaned towards mild daytime kava. Let me tell you....I can barely keep my head up to type this. I'm not tired but I have no physical energy. It's like my muscles have turned to jello. I have yet to experience that on this level before. Even from the great mahakea which I love. This is a whole different ball game. Pretty much it's only strong effect though. The others may be byproducts of the muscle relaxation. Can't be anxious when you feel this loose!

To quote pvt Miller in Pineapple Express in the intro. " Ah, well, sir, I feel like a, like a slice of butter... melting on top of a big-ol' pile of flapjacks... yeah...."

Sorry I'm getting chatty. Check this out! It's awesome! At least I think that's what it is.....guess coulda been a sample of Chris's private stock that he labeled incorrectly. Hahah

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Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
Well I am real goad you like the kava, if it was a mistake on my part I will fix it if you want but if your happy with the mistake then I am happy. (y) Great review and I am glad that you got the sample pack so you can get to know a few Hawaiian 'Awa's.


Deleted User01

Nice Review Blindy107. I found the Panaewa a little more heady then your review and less body. That's the crazy ass thing about Kava, different people can get totally different effects from the same Kava. Now that I read your review, I'll be looking for the melt on your pancakes effect. The power of suggestion is strong.


Kava Lover
Yeah Chris...i like it! Thanks for the chance to try all the Hawaiians. If i post i pic of the 'awa can you tell what it is? I guess it's possible that it is a med grind but i highly doubt it.

@Deleted User01 Isn't it nuts? I got the heavy eyelids without the sedation and sleepiness. I was literally being sucked down to the ground wherever i went. Truly powerful 'awa!

Deleted User01

Me likey heavy eyelids. Mapulehu does that to me. Talking about Nuts, that's the kind of Kava I need on days when I'm going bonkers. Enough sedation to settle me down but not put me to sleep. I'm revisiting Panaewa and I'm going to look for those heavy eyelids. I just want to make a comment on scoring. I don't think I have never given a Kava a 5. To get a 5, the Kava would have to make me start giggling uncontrollably. I don't think there is one out there like that but a man can dream.

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
Yeah Chris...i like it! Thanks for the chance to try all the Hawaiians. If i post i pic of the 'awa can you tell what it is? I guess it's possible that it is a med grind but i highly doubt it.

@Deleted User01 Isn't it nuts? I got the heavy eyelids without the sedation and sleepiness. I was literally being sucked down to the ground wherever i went. Truly powerful 'awa!
Yes if you post a picture I should be able to tell, if it is the micronized you really scored. :D



Kava Lover
Hahah ok I will post up when I get home. See if you are a Jedi of kava like we all think ;)

@Deleted User01 I would try roughly what I did and see if it changes the effects. I did 4tbsp in under 2 cups almond milk. Added 1/3 to a glass of milk and coffee syrup. Drank slowly. Then drank other 2/3 in two drinks of unsweetened iced tea and kava syrup.

Lemme know!!

Deleted User01

It's funny that you are mixing caffein with the Kava and getting more body effects. It's like the gal I know that took a bunch of Caffein pills to study and she promptly fell asleep. Maybe it's the almond milk? Hmm, that iced tea sounds appetizing and easy to do. My wife always has iced tea in the fridge. I do coffee in the morning and that's all I can handle.


A spoonful of sugar makes the Awa' go down.
Great review Blindy! :D
And I think Chris's just being sly :smuggrin:; I bet he threw that micronized in your combo and said "To hell with it, today I'm going to go the extra mile and I'll be damned if anyone's gonna to stop me! :banghead: ".....or not ;). hahaha who knows really but either way I'd be more giddy than a bucking steer if that were to happen to me, so good on you Blindy! :D


Kava Lover
Buttkrunkd. New word!

Java I thought about that as well. The caffeine n kava thing. Could be changing the effects for sure. I'm no scientist but I'll mess with that theory this week.


A spoonful of sugar makes the Awa' go down.
Well let's see if I'm not mistaken, you add an upper caffeine, a downer Dhm or Dhk heavy kava and whadya get? Well enough of either and I believe the effects from the opposing substance would be canceled out, no?
But the opposite may be true with a high kavain strain and that could be for the better or for the worse; in dependence on how adjusted your body is to caffeine and to high kavain strains.
If you're not very use to either, I could see the jitters arising quite easily. :sour::nailbiting::wacky:;)


Kava Curious
I got two of those promo packs and I feel disappointed so far. Kavas are mild but I feel too sleepy and tired the next day. Pana'ewa is kind of weak even for a daytime kava


Kava Lover
Hmm that is the opposite of my experience kaba. Last night I actually felt like I may have overdone it. Motor skills definitely were effected. Also had trouble cutting some snacks up. Hah


Bula To Eternity
I got two of those promo packs and I feel disappointed so far. Kavas are mild but I feel too sleepy and tired the next day. Pana'ewa is kind of weak even for a daytime kava
It would be great if you could take the time and document that for us by creating a review of your experience. (y)


Kava Curious
I got two of those promo packs and I feel disappointed so far. Kavas are mild but I feel too sleepy and tired the next day. Pana'ewa is kind of weak even for a daytime kava
That is a shame, I find GHK the best, but everybody's different. Which kavas do you find the best?


Kava Lover
Round 2 with the Pana tonight. Used 3 tbsp instead of 4 and mixed with diet coke and lime juice. Weeeeee almost the same power but not quite as potent. Very heavy feeling again. Some pressure in my head and loss of tension throughout body. A+

As promised here is a pic of the supposed medium grind:

@Gourmet Hawaiian Kava thanks for the mess up Chris! You have earned my continued patronage!

Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
Yup, the word is out now, I get krunked and then pack my kava orders. When I drink a good kava it just makes me feel good and I have to share the good. Most of the time it is in the form of a free sample or an upgrade from Medium grind to Micronized. (y)
I may have to stop drinking while I am filling my kava orders, :nailbiting: but I fill orders all day so I drink all day, does that mean I have to stop drinking all day? :( Does that mean I have to drink only when i am done working? :grumpy:
No it does not! I am the boss so I won't get in trouble with myself. ;) So that means keep expecting free samples and upgrades. :happy:
