Also please keep the thread here after all, it helped me share these photos during the kava zoom meeting tonight (Which was awesome by the way) and if the viewers weren't logged in they might not have seen these photos had they been in members only..
Thank you! Take care ~ Tonight having a buncha Yogi Kava tea. Oh boy. Take four tea bags, detag them, set the tags aside neatly for pondering and contemplation during having your shell. Tie a nice fancy knot in the strings of the teabags to turn the four tea bags into one tea bag. Now I have locally available kava! It isn't quite what I'm used to, what-with the kava depot and kalm with kava and squanch and fiji vanua kava being my preferred kava vendors as of late - I kind of ran into a pinch fundwise and ended up on a kava shortage for long enough that a few boxes of the yogi kava tea made their way into my coupbard.
I have tried taking these teabags apart before and brewing them all in a large pot and straining it, something about that technique kind of didn't work for me, though it will brew the tea efficiently, I think it messed up my portion control, was either too strong or too much liquid.
Four teabags per mug seems to work for me at the moment, then I feel free to have another one later by the time the first has cooled down and the last sip taken. It's mellow, I'd put it on-par with the ozia kava candies in terms of effects however for some reason a pack or two of the kava candies seems to be more kava-y, could be from the thrill of eating the kava root juice instead.
P.S. the yogi kava is an extract and is not traditional kava, just happens to be what I have here at the time. In the near future I wish for traditional kava root powder, Noble and meeting standards (Such as International Kava Organization) for cleanliness and purity, in communities in shops in small towns and villages. Cool!
Thanks for reading my Yogi Kava technique, Bula!