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Pouni ono


Kava Curious
Hi folks
I'd ordered some TONGAN POUNI ONO about 10 days ago. I made tea with 4 spoons and kneaded about 8 minutes. I can't say I noticed anything. The second time??? One more spoon and WOW! I was bouncing off walls. And I felt so calm and squishy, like I was being poured from place to place LOL. It was too much but it was great fun! I need to work with it to find that sweet spot you guys talk about. What would make such a huge difference in the experience? I do the same things. Fast 3-4 hours mostly 3. Same water. Same kneading. I would love to get some more of that from KWK but I can't afford the shipping.
Could anyone recommend a strain I can get off Amazon that would come close to the same experience?
Thanks and I will read all input. I'm learning to really like kava. Don't like the tummy aches though. Is there something to do about that?