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Proceedings of a Symposium held in San Francisco, California January 28-30, 1967

Kava o'puss

Kava Curious
Transcription of a 1967 symposium dedicated to psychoactive plants.

Session 2 was dedicated entirely to kava (begins on page 102)

Page 169 appears to reference the invention of instant kava- out of necessity. :D

Interesting stuff. Strange these open-minded researchers failed to delve deeper into potential medicinal uses though. The Q and A regarding such potential seemed to be met with silence.

Link below



Kava Synchronized
Writing about the debilitating effects of kava, the author refutes the claim of being unable to walk after an ava session:

The partial paralysis of the lower limbs is not caused by the
kava but by sitting cross-legged for hours while the kava ceremony is in

Yes, I can totally believe that! :D