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Promoting Kava In A Positive Light

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Kava Vendor
Every industry has their growing pains. There are generational gaps in coffee drinkers that resulted in devious ad campaigns and pseudoscience that we still feel the effects from a century later. The Kava industry has not been and will not be immune to similar tactics in the future either. Keep promoting Kava in a positive light and a rising tide will continue to lift all ships.


Kava Enthusiast
On a positive note, it's about 100x more difficult to manufacture pseudoscience than it was 100 years ago. What most people consider "pseudoscience" is never anything remotely close to real science and stems more from a misunderstanding of what science is. Our STEM education in the US is generally atrocious.

100 years ago it wasn't too difficult to pay a quack scientist to manufacture bogus interpretations of bogus data, but today most pseudoscience isn't even loosely rooted in empirical evidence or peer review.

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
On a positive note, it's about 100x more difficult to manufacture pseudoscience than it was 100 years ago. What most people consider "pseudoscience" is never anything remotely close to real science and stems more from a misunderstanding of what science is. Our STEM education in the US is generally atrocious.

100 years ago it wasn't too difficult to pay a quack scientist to manufacture bogus interpretations of bogus data, but today most pseudoscience isn't even loosely rooted in empirical evidence or peer review.
Just accuse them straight up and see how they respond. If it ducks like a quack....


I'll have the pyrones with some pepper, please.
LOL "The maddening grip of the coffee bean was so strong, apparently, that it could convince a child to up and run away from home." You would never have this problem with kava. :sleep:
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