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Kava aficionado
Americans talking about grams and kgs and not using weird cup measurements? This is something new ;-)
I'll second that @nhoeg Measurements in multiple of 10's are infinitely easier than pounds, ounces etc, leave it to the USA to change everything...Don't even get me started on "Soccer"...


Kava Manliness
We're slowly coming around. It's going to be a while before we let go of the whole "12 inches to a foot" thing. We're pretty fond of miles too.

This whole weight survey is so the average kava drinker can get a round number of what they're consuming based on the common tablespoon. You will all have access to this information as soon as we get a few more bits of data in place. @HeadHodge has an awesome page that displays all the kavas, chemotypes, weight and other info. Coming very soon.
Sounds very nice with this weight survey :) Looking forward to it, keep up the great work folks!