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Reverse tolerance?

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Kava Enthusiast
Looked around a bit and see anything on this, keep in mind I'm blind. I get how reverse tolerance works, but say I have some boroguru I break through the reverse tolerance with it would I still have reverse tolerance to other strains or once you break through with one kava you break through with them all? I only ask because whenever I have taken NeNe from GHK I never got a lot out of it other than some very good sleep. That said taking it today I really feel it, like total relaxation unlike any other time I have taken it. So I'm thinking I just had referred tolerance to the Nene maybe?


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
Lots of variables are involved from day to day so it's hit and miss. I've been drinking kava daily for quite a while now and I do find I get effects from most anything but it can happen that if I use a root I haven't used in a while it will be more subdued whereas when I've used the same root every night for 3 or 4 days in a row (rare now I have a good stash) I will be able to use a lot less for the same result.


Kava Enthusiast
Even with the same root, same prep, and same dosage sometimes it will hit you harder than normal. Its one of the fascinating yet annoying things about kava. Leaves you thinking "I wish I knew what made it do that, cause I'd do it every time." Sadly us mere mortals don't always understand the rhyme or reason behind it.
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