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Running and Kava

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Kava Lover
I have the hydration issue too but I could probably get more serious about drinking more water throughout the day. I think I drink more than the average Joe but not Joe Kava. Joe Kava needs a LOT of water. Joe Kava says "stay thirsty my rooted friends" it's really for our own good. But yeah my money's on medium grind for reducing dehydration.


I use salt tablets (rehydr8 from amazon) for when I'm feeling particularly dehydrated and they work pretty well. You might consider loading up with a few of those before your run and see if it makes a difference. I often take a couple first thing in the morning with plenty of water as I struggle to drink enough water after a session.
I will Have top try this. the logic makes sense.

Just my anecdotal experience but since switching to traditional prep from microgrind I have felt less dehydrated. Microgind I usually did 2-3 TBS in a cup of water or juice and then followed with a liter of water over the next hour. Traditional prep I do 6 TBS in about 2-3 cups of water and then follow up with a liter of water over the next hour. So roughly the same fluid intake but microgrind continued to leave me thirsty and dry through the next day. Traditional I don't get that feeling at all. I think the extra root material makes a big difference. Most people experience less dermo with traditional prep which may partially relate to hydration.
With chasing 4 kids around my workout routine is so haphazard I couldn't tell ya if it made a difference but my recommendation is to try switching to traditional prep and see if it makes a difference....
I placed an order yesterday from Kavified as per @mzii recomendation. Perhaps some traditional prep will do me some good.

What does your pre and post run hydration look like? How are your stretches? electrolytes? Sleeping enough? Eating enough? Honestly I have noticed muscle fatigue increase more as I usve gotten older. 36 now and my body just doesn't recover the same way it did 2-3-5 years ago. Not sure if micro matters. Also what is your urine output/colour looking like?
I keep everything good and clear in this department. I am well aware of the aging factor:) It sucks!:)
I'm finding that Chia seeds help alot during long runs. I take them in my handheld water bottle. They help to stay hydrated and they release water slowly in the body. Apparently.
Coconut water helps at the end of the run. Nature's Gatorade.
And don't forget about that glycogen window. If you go more than an hour, ingest as many carbs as you can in that first 20 minutes after. I find that this makes the next day okay.

boxcar beatnik

Kava Enthusiast
Have you tried using coconut water to mix your micro instead of water? I do a lot it's physical labor and it has helped me more than any sports drink has. It's worth a try.

boxcar beatnik

Kava Enthusiast
Just my anecdotal experience but since switching to traditional prep from microgrind I have felt less dehydrated. Microgind I usually did 2-3 TBS in a cup of water or juice and then followed with a liter of water over the next hour. Traditional prep I do 6 TBS in about 2-3 cups of water and then follow up with a liter of water over the next hour. So roughly the same fluid intake but microgrind continued to leave me thirsty and dry through the next day. Traditional I don't get that feeling at all. I think the extra root material makes a big difference. Most people experience less dermo with traditional prep which may partially relate to hydration.
With chasing 4 kids around my workout routine is so haphazard I couldn't tell ya if it made a difference but my recommendation is to try switching to traditional prep and see if it makes a difference....
It could be most of the diuretic substance is filtered with tradional prep.i have noticed the same thing and i only get dermo from micro.

boxcar beatnik

Kava Enthusiast
Supposedly creatine will hold water in your body.if i understand correctly that's how it make muscles bigger, by retaining water.
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