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RZO Kava Drink

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder

Taste: 8 out of 10. The most flavor is orange, which is a good orange. The undertone is definitely apple. You can detect a hint of the stevia which isn't my favorite but not something that slaps you in the face. Heck at 80% juice it's quite tasty. Flavor is slightly reminiscent of the kava candy. 
Effect: It HAS krunk potential . I actually caught a feelable level of kava in one can. I like it. It works. You can actually taste the kava very lightly. Makes your mouth slightly tingle as the candies do.
Verdict: Would purchase again. Definitely a new take on a kava beverage.Edit: Ok this stuff is actually quite strong. I can see myself accidentally drinking 2 or 3 of these in a sitting and then having to go lay on the couch for a bit,


Kava Enthusiast
Really. Strong huh. Wow I did not expect to hear that. Well that's pretty awesome gonna have to check those out. So you think it's worth a try huh


Kava Lover
So have we at last a krunk in a can here?? I may have to show this to my local gas station owner and have him buy some to stock the shelves

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
They ship fedex ground and they ship for free. Yes, it is a krunk in a can.

Also after my 3rd can I noticed if you let it warm up a little in a glass you can indeed smell the kava in it.


Kava Enthusiast
That's kinda surprising seeing that there is only 115 mg of kava extract in each can. I usually use 50-100 grams of kava per session and seeing how most root 10-20% kavalactones and you get about 50% of it out from the first wash that would mean that I get 3500-7500 mg of kavalactones per session. I just can't imagine 0.03-0.015% of my usual dose working for me. I almost assume I am too much of a hardhead for this to work. What freaks me out is if they make a series of series of kava drinks that gets you krunk and they explode in popularity like red bull, that would lead to a kava in no time.


Kava Lover
As long as there's no stupid teens who try to replace beer with this and something happens to them and kava gets banned because of it, than I'm happy. But so far it's only in one store in the Country

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
I think we may be the only ones who could notice it anyways. It's not a krunk in the sense of "Well, my eyes don't work anymore". It's more of a "The room all of a sudden feels bigger and there's a marked change in my disposition for the better"

I'd wager that those with no reverse tolerance built up would adamantly argue with me the opposite way.


Kava Enthusiast
NEVER underestimate the stupidity of teens. Not only will they use it to replace beer, they post videos of themselves doing so on youtube and somehow end up in the ER. I actually really like the fact that kava is such a pain in the ass to use and has the reverse tolerance going for it. My thoughts on the can are that it would likely only have any effect on someone well through their RTs and likely wouldn't call out to kids. Between retard kids and the media I fear the day that some douche bag ruins it for us and the media campaign begins and Dateline specials titled: "Kava the South Pacific elixir of death and destruction, are YOUR children addicted to kava kava".

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Thanks Penny Parker, that's wonderful. But hey, all the cool kids are doing it. I have a feeling the makers of this are very....profit oriented. They just happened to have made an awesome product. I think they were going for broke right out of the gate with it. Flashy parties, popular band endorsements, the works. It's good, but that review..... They could have filtered that one.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
It's extract in orange/apple juice with lemon and lime juice. It tastes pretty good on its own.


Kava Enthusiast
I think they should have made grape flavored and called it "purple drank". There was actually a pretty funny listing on ebay for a can of 'purple drank' that they sold as an "anti-energy drink". Though that would be presenting it in the wrong light, but would be pretty sweet.


Kava Enthusiast
I don't really know much about this but

Is there types of extract processes that

Should raise concern? And how would you find

Out what type they use?

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
new2kava said:
I think they should have made grape flavored and called it "purple drank". There was actually a pretty funny listing on ebay for a can of 'purple drank' that they sold as an "anti-energy drink". Though that would be presenting it in the wrong light, but would be pretty sweet.

Tried it. It should seriously be illegal. It's powerful in a bad way. It's packed full of melatonin. Way way more than you'd get in a sleep aid. Not enjoyable at all. Tastes like grape though.