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Powdered Kava Review Santa Cruz


Kava Lover
{"Grade":10,"Potency":10,"Mind":6,"Body":10,"Anxiety":10,"Sedative":10,"Taste":"5","Preparation":"Half a cup powder to 1 liter of warm water. Knead for several minutes, squeeze it out, then chill with ice cubes.","Duration":"All night long.","SideEffects":"mellowness, zombification, wobbling","Headline":"Santa Cruz SLAPS"}
Had some Santa Cruz last night and had an amazing night's sleep. Woke up feeling fresh.

I've had Solomon Islands kava before from other vendors, and it has almost always had a weird flavor to it. Not so with Fiji Vanua's Santa Cruz. I downed my first shell and remarked "this tastes just like regular kava! In fact, it tastes pretty good, too."

Three high tide shells later and I was in THE ZONE. Santa Cruz is really potent stuff. Not for daytime consumption, yet wonderful for evenings.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
haha, and we were totally the audience to this experience too! We saw this kava take full effect during the zoom session.

Normally @kastom_lif has something to say about all the topics....not last night! lol

Super powerful kava that will knock you sideways if you're not careful.


Kava Curious
I ordered another pound today.
I will mix it with the Fiji Vanua kava.
That is such a nice body mind buzz for me.
The Santa Cruz is very potent, uplifting and mellow at the same time
My wife complains about the kava mess in the kitchen. I try to wipe everything down as best I can but sometimes there is residue liquid or powder I miss.
I tell her hey you have your weed I have to have my kava.